1. Every day, dog of Malik, you act unjustly
And injustice has soured your cursed face
١. أَكُلَيبُ مالَكَ كُلَّ يَومٍ ظالِماً
وَالظُلمُ أَنكَدُ وَجهُهُ مَلعونُ
2. Your people thought you were a master
While I knew you were an accursed puppet
٢. قَد كانَ قَومُكَ يَحسَبونَكَ سَيِّداً
وَإِخالُ أَنَّكَ سَيِّدٌ مَعيُونُ
3. So when you return to your women excite them
For the Muslim's head is lowered
٣. فَإِذا رَجَعتَ إِلى نِسائِكَ فَاِدَّهِن
إِنَّ المُسالِمَ رَأسُهُ مَدهونُ
4. And do unto your people what your Samiyya intended
On the day of Ghadeer to the stabbed one
٤. وَاِفعَل بِقَومِكَ ما أَرادَ بِوائِلٍ
يَومَ الغَديرِ سَمِيُّكَ المَطعونُ
5. And I reckon you will receive the like of it
On your cheeks, its fangs ready to bite
٥. وَإِخالُ أَنَّكَ سَوفَ تَلقى مِثلَها
في صَفحَتَيكَ سِنانُها المَسنونُ
6. The matter of the village has become clear
If clarification is of any use to you
٦. إِنَّ القُرَيَّةَ قَد تَبَيَّنَ أَمرُها
إِن كانَ يَنفَعُ عِندَكَ التَّبيينُ
7. Since you set out to raid it unjustly
While Abu Yazeed lies buried within it
٧. حَيثُ اِنطلَقتَ تَخُطُّها لي ظالِماً
وَأَبو يَزيدَ بِجَوِّها مَدفونُ