
The raids I made were repaid in kind,

وكانت نهابا تلافيتها

1. The raids I made were repaid in kind,
On my mare at night in Al-Ajra'a.

١. وَكانَت نِهابا تَلافَيتُها
بِكَرّي عَلى المُهرِ في الأَجرَعِ

2. And my waking the tribe when they slept;
When people slept I did not sleep.

٢. وَإيقاظِيَ القَومَ أَن يَرقدوا
إِذا هَجَعَ الناسُ لَم أَهجَعِ

3. So my raid and the raid of Al-'Ubayd
Were between 'Uyaynah and Al-Aqra'.

٣. فَأَصبَحَ نَهبي وَنَهبُ العُبَي
دِ بَينَ عُيَينَةَ وَالأَقرَعِ

4. And I was a warrior of renown,
Yet I got no reward and met no refusal

٤. وَقَد كُنتُ في الحَربِ ذا تُدرَأُ
فَلَم أُعطَ شَيئاً وَلَم أُمنَعِ

5. Except for the mares I was given
With their four upright legs.

٥. إِلّا أَفائِلَ أُعطيتُها
عَديدَ قَوائِمِها الأَربَعِ

6. No fortress resisted
Like Mirdas in its enclosure.

٦. وَما كانَ حِصنٌ حابِسٌ
يَفوقانِ مِرداسَ في مَجمَعِ

7. I was not inferior to any knight of theirs,
He whom you disparage today will not be exalted.

٧. وَما كُنتُ دونَ اِمرِىءٍ مِنهُما
وَمَن تَضَعِ اليَومَ لا يُرفَعِ