
Convey to Abū Salamah a messenger that alarms him

أبلغ أبا سلمى رسولا يروعه

1. Convey to Abū Salamah a messenger that alarms him
Even if he has settled with a lote-tree and my family with common mallow

١. أَبلِغ أَبا سَلمى رَسولاً يَروعُهُ
وَلَو حَلَّ ذا سِدرٍ وَأَهلي بِعَسجَلِ

2. A messenger from Imri' al-Qays who gifted you sincere advice
For a group of men were stingy with your honor so deny them

٢. رَسولَ اِمرِيءٍ أَهدى إِليكَ نَصيحَةً
فَإِن مَعشَرٌ جادوا بِعِرضِكَ فَاِبخَلِ

3. If they direct you to an improper dwelling
Harsh, do not take it up and turn away

٣. فَإِن بَوَّءوكَ مَنزِلاً غَيرَ طائِلٍ
غَليظاً فَلا تَنزِل بِهِ وَتَحَوَّلِ

4. Do not eat what they feed you, verily
They only came to you for their rites with sweetmeats

٤. وَلا تَطعَمَن ما يُطعِمونَكَ إِنَّما
أَتَوكَ عَلى قُربانِهِم بِالمُثَمَّلِ

5. The escape to safety is not like one who escaped to safety
As one who escaped into the vulva of a poisonous fish openly

٥. وَحُلَّ النَجاةَ لَيسَ مَن حَلَّ نَجوَةً
كَمَن حَلَّ في فَرجِ السِماكِ بِمَحفِلِ

6. Without his lower garment, displaying himself as a witness for you
You brought him into the house but he did not get dressed

٦. أَبَعدَ الإِزارِ مُجسَداً لَكَ شاهِداً
أَتَيتَ بِهِ في الدارِ لَم يَتَزَيَّلِ

7. I then see you have become an open enemy of the people
It is said to him from behind, turn around and turn back

٧. أَراكَ إِذاً قَد صِرتَ لِلقَومِ ناضِحاً
يُقالُ لَهُ بِالغَربِ أَدبِر وَأَقبِلِ

8. And I was informed that they made you take an oath
And that is isolation from the neighbors in isolation

٨. وَأُنبِئتُ أَن قَد أَلزَموكَ نُفوذَهُ
وَذَلِكَ لِلجيرانِ عَزلٌ بِمَعزِلِ

9. Kilāna is an enemy, if he sees in his enemy
Vulnerability, while each one in enmity is unforgiving

٩. كِلانا عَدُوٌّ لَو يَرى في عَدُوِّهِ
مَساغاً وَكُلٌّ في العِدا غَيرُ مُجمِلِ

10. When we meet, the intimacy of our conversation is
Silent with a glance, like the full moon rising

١٠. إِذا ما اِلتَقَينا كانَ أُنسُ حَديثِنا
صُماتا بِطَرفٍ كالمَعابِلِ أَطحَلِ

11. So take it, for it is no scheme for the honored one
In it is speech for one who is submissive

١١. فَخُذها فَلَيسَت لِلعَزيزِ بِخُطَّةٍ
وَفيها مَقالٌ لِاِمريءٍ مُتَذَلِّلِ

12. And I was informed that ʿĀmir has forbidden himself from bathing
And that I am pleased with you as long as you do not become senile

١٢. وَأُنبِئتُ أَن قَد أَحرَمَ الغُسلَ عامِرٌ
وَأَنّي لَراضٍ عَنكَ ما لَم تُرَجَّلِ

13. The people have known what Khawalid has over Khālid
Among the people of grace and favor

١٣. وَقَد عَلِمَ الأَقوامُ ما بِخُوَيلِدٍ
عَلى خالِدٍ في القَومِ مِن مُتَفَضَّلِ

14. So if a hater has taken darkness from you
Then healing his hatred is your sword, so kill him

١٤. فَإِن كانَ باغٍ نالَ مِنكَ ظُلامَةً
فَإِنَّ شِفاءَ البَغي سَيفُكَ فَاِقتُلِ