
Who will inform the people that Muhammad

من مبلغ الأقوام أن محمدا

1. Who will inform the people that Muhammad
Is the Messenger of God, rightly guided wherever he turns?

١. مَن مُبلِغُ الأَقوامَ أَنَّ مُحَمَّداً
رَسولَ الإِلَهِ راشِدٌ حَيثُ يَمَّما

2. He called upon his Lord and sought help from Allah alone,
So by morning he had fulfilled his wish and was blessed.

٢. دَعا رَبَّهُ وَاِستَنصَر اللَهَ وَحدَهُ
فَأَصبَحَ قَد وَفىّ إِلَيهِ وَأَنعَما

3. We agreed and promised Muhammad,
That he would lead us in a matter decreed by Allah.

٣. سَرَينا وَواعَدنا قُدَيداً مُحَمَّداً
يَؤُمُّ بِنا أَمراً مِنَ اللَهِ مُحكَما

4. They contended with us at dawn until it was clear
That with the dawn there were young men and elders, resolute.

٤. تَمارَوا بِنا في الفَجرِ حَتّى تَبَيَّنوا
مَعَ الفَجرِ فِتياناً وَغاباً مُقَوَّما

5. On horses with coats of mail drawn tight upon us,
And legs like the constant striking of fire stones.

٥. عَلى الخَيلِ مَشدُوداً عَلَينا دُروعُنا
وَرَجلاً كَدُفّاعِ الأَتِيِّ عَرَمرَما

6. For the horsemen of the living, if you are asking,
Are the Sulaym and among them are those who have submitted.

٦. فَإِنَّ سَراةَ الحَيِّ إِن كُنتَ سائِلاً
سُلَيمٌ وَفيهِم مِنهُم مَن تَسَلَّما

7. And an army of the Helpers who will not fail him,
They obeyed and never disobeyed him while he spoke.

٧. وَجُندٌ مِنَ الأَنصارِ لا يَخذُلونَهُ
أَطاعوا فَما يَعصونَهُ ما تَكَلَّما

8. So if you have indeed established Khalid
And put him forward, he has indeed stepped forward

٨. فَإِن تَكُ قَد أَمَّرتَ في القَومِ خالِداً
وَقَدَّمتَهُ فَإِنَّهُ قَد تَقَدَّما

9. With an army Allah has guided. You are its commander,
Achieving with it truth against whoever was more unjust.

٩. بِجُندٍ هَداهُ اللَهُ أَنتَ أَميرُهُ
تُصيبُ بِهِ في الحَقِّ مَن كانَ أَظلَما

10. I swore a solemn oath by Muhammad
That I would complete it with a thousand bridled horses.

١٠. حَلَفتُ يَميناً بَرَّةً لِمُحَمَّدٍ
فَأَكمَلتُها أَلفاً مِنَ الخَيلِ مُلجَما

11. The Prophet of the Believers said "Step forward!"
And it was more beloved to us that we would be first.

١١. وَقالَ نَبِيُّ المُؤمِنينَ تَقَدَّموا
وَحُبَّ إِلَينا أَن نَكونَ المُقَدَّما

12. We stayed by the tent of the Prophet and there was not
In us fear, only zeal and preparedness.

١٢. وَبِتنا بِنَهيِ المُستَديرِ وَلَم يَكُن
بِنا الخَوفُ إِلاّ رَغبَةً وَتَحَزُّما

13. We obeyed you until all the people submitted
And until we, in the morning, were a people covered in blood.

١٣. أَطَعناكَ حَتّى أَسلَمَ الناسُ كُلُّهُم
وَحَتّى صَبَحنا الجَمعَ أَهلَ يَلَملَما

14. The dapple-gray horse wanders amidst the roses and is not soothed
Until it is led with a halter and bridle.

١٤. يَضِلُّ الحِصانُ الأَبلَقُ الوَردُ وَسطَهُ
وَلا يَطمَئِنُّ الشَيخُ حَتّى يُسَوَّما

15. We let them come to the meadow of battle, driving them at dawn,
And we saw each of them turn away from his brother.

١٥. سَمَونا لَهُم وِردَ القَطا زَفَّهُ ضُحىً
وَكُلٌّ نَراهُ عَن أَخيهِ قَد أَحجَما

16. From morn till leaving at night,
Moaning, with tears flowing from them blood.

١٦. لَدُن غُدوَةً حَتّى تَرَكنا عَشِيَّةً
حُنَيناً وَقَد سالَت مَدامِعُهُ دَما

17. Whenever you wish, you see from each a piece
And its horseman swaying with a broken lance.

١٧. إِذا شِئتَ مِن كُلٍّ رَأَيتَ طِمرَّةً
وَفارِسَها يِهوي وَرُمحاً مُحَطَّما

18. The Hawazin have gained their share from us
And they prefer that we fail and are deprived.

١٨. وَقَد أَحرَزَت مِنّا هَوازِنُ سَربَها
وَحُبَّ إِلَيها أَن نَخيبَ وَنُحرَما

19. We obtained the riffraff and fattened ones of Quraysh
And He blessed us with grief's preservation and silence.

١٩. أَصَبنا قُرَيشاً غَثَّها وَسَمينَها
وَأَنعَمَ حِفظاً بِالَهَمِ فَتَكَلَّما

20. What was of it was a matter I witnessed
And aided in it with the one who was most decisive.

٢٠. فَما كانَ مِنها كانَ أَمراً شَهِدتُهُ
وَساعَدتُ فيهِ بِالَّذي كانَ أَحزَما

21. And a day to Moses our steeds converged
Against tribes of Nasr and the clan of Ibn Aslam.

٢١. وَيَومٍ إِلى موسى تَلاقَت جِيادُنا
قَبائِلَ مِن نَصرٍ وَرَهطِ اِبنِ أَسلَما

22. They did not attain the tent ropes but our swords did,
And spears with which we spill blood.

٢٢. فَما أَدرَكَ الأَوتارَ إِلا سُيوفُنا
وَإِلا رِماحاً نَستَدِرُّ بِها الدِّما