1. The people were struck this year with the raids of their tribe,
Within the houses, and the color of the raids was diverse,
١. أَصابَتِ العامَ رِعلاً غولُ قَومِهِمِ
وَسطَ البُيوتِ وَلَونُ الغولِ أَلوانُ
2. Oh, the anxiety of the mother of pups as they pass the night terrified,
The horses of the son of Hawtha cannot be restrained, and the human,
٢. يا لَهفَ أُمِّ كِلابٍ إِذ تُبَيِّتُهُم
خَيلُ اِبنِ هَوذَةَ لا تُنهى وَإِنسانُ
3. Do not utter it, and strengthen the knot of your covenant,
Indeed, your cousin Saad is most honorable and magnanimous,
٣. لا تَلفُظوها وَشُدّوا عَقدَ ذِمَّتِكُم
إِنَّ اِبنَ عَمِّكُمُ سَعدٌ وَدُهمانُ
4. Do not take it back, even if she is covered in blood,
As long as the camel that is taken as spoils has milk,
٤. لا تَرجِعوها وَإِن كانَت مُجلِّلَةً
ما دامَ في النَعَمِ المَأخوذِ أَلبانُ
5. A female camel ugly in appearance whom clothes cover her defects,
And she leaked from her udder sahwan and sulwan,
٥. شَنعاءُ جُلِّلَ مِن سَوآتِها حَضَنٌ
وَسالَ ذو شَوغَرٍ مِنها وَسُلوَانُ
6. She is not more noble than what Hadhaf desires to roast,
When the cook of the caravan said all the meat is rotten,
٦. لَيسَت بِأَطيَبَ مِمّا يَشتَوي حَذَفٌ
إِذ قالَ كُلُّ شِواءِ العَيرِ جُوفانُ
7. And among the Hawazin a people unlike that in them,
Is the sickness of treachery, so if they do not betray they are dishonest,
٧. وَفي هَوازِنَ قَومٌ غَيرَ أَنَّ بِهِم
داءَ اليَمانِيِ فَإِن لَم يَغدِروا خانوا
8. Among them is a brother who if he fulfills or keeps his covenant,
And even if we pierced them with spears, they would not be cured,
٨. فيهِم أَخٌ لَو وَفَوا أَو بَرَّ عَهدُهُم
وَلَو نَهَكناهُمُ بِالطَعنِ قَد لانوا
9. Convey to the higher and lower parts of Hawazin,
A message of sincere advice in which is clarification,
٩. أَبلِغ هَوازِنَ أَعلاها وَأسفَلَها
مِنّي رِسالَةَ نُصحٍ فيهِ تِبيانُ
10. That I think the Messenger of God will raid you,
With an army that has pillars across the land,
١٠. أَنّي أَظُنُّ رَسولَ اللَهِ صابِحَكُم
جَيشاً لَهُ في فَضاءِ الأَرضِ أَركانُ
11. Among them is your brother Sulaym, who does not abandon you,
And the Muslims, the servants of God, the Ghassan,
١١. فيهِم أَخوكُم سُلَيمٌ غَيرَ تارِكِكُم
وَالمُسلِمونَ عِبادَ اللَهِ غَسّانُ
12. And supporting him on the right the tribe of Asad,
And the Ajarib, the clan of Abs and Dhubyan.
١٢. وَفي عِضادَتِهِ اليُمنى بَنو أَسَدٍ
وَالأَجرَبانِ بَنو عَبسٍ وَذُبيانُ
13. The earth almost quakes in fear of him,
And ahead of him are the Aus and Uthman.
١٣. تَكادُ تَرجُفُ مِنهُ الأَرضُ رَهبَتَهُ
وَفي مُقَدَّمِهِ أَوسٌ وَعُثمانُ