1. O house of Asmaa, between the slopes and the vastness
Time has worn you down, as the epochs pass
١. يا دارَ أَسماءَ بَينَ السَفحِ فَالرُحبِ
أَقوَت وَعَفّى عَلَيها ذاهِبُ الحِقَبِ
2. Nothing remains of you but some scattered ruins
And three pillars standing around a mihrab
٢. فَما تَبَيَّنَ مِنها غَيرُ مُنتَضَدٍ
وَراسِياتٍ ثَلاثٍ حَولَ مُنتَصِبِ
3. The courtyard of the house, where the winds moan
With the yearning of parted lovers
٣. وَعَرصَةُ الدارِ تَستَنُّ الرِياحُ بِها
تَحِنُّ فيها حَنينِ الوُلَّهِ السُلُبِ
4. A house for Asmaa, when my heart was devoted to her
And when I drew near, without really drawing near
٤. دارٌ لِأَسماءَ إِذ قَلبي بِها كَلِفٌ
وَإِذ أُقَرَّبُ مِنها غَيرَ مُقتَرِبِ
5. Indeed, the beloved whom I distanced myself from
Without any wrongdoing from me, nor anger
٥. إِنَّ الحَبيبَ الَّذي أَمسَيتُ أَهجُرُهُ
مِن غَيرِ مَقلِيَةٍ مِنّي وَلا غَضَبِ
6. I avoid him, hoping to be reunited
For whoever fears the gossip of spies, anticipates
٦. أَصُدُّ عَنهُ اِرتِقاباً أَن أَلُمَّ بِهِ
وَمَن يَخَف قالَةَ الواشينَ يَرتَقِبِ
7. I have shown nobility to the people
My father warned me against what they fear
٧. إِنّي حَوَيتُ عَلى الأَقوامِ مَكرُمَةً
قِدماً وَحَذَّرَني ما يَتَّقونَ أَبي
8. And he said to me words of wisdom and experience
Regarding the events of fate and the epochs
٨. وَقالَ لي قَولَ ذي عِلمٍ وَتَجرِبَةٍ
بِسالِفاتِ أُمورِ الدَهرِ وَالحِقَبِ
9. I commanded you to be righteous, so do as you are told
For I have left you with wealth and youth
٩. أَمَرتُكَ الرُشدَ فَاِفعَل ما أُمِرتَ بِهِ
فَقَد تَرَكتُكَ ذا مالٍ وَذا نَشَبِ
10. And you have attained glory, so beware of tainting it
A generous father and ancestors without blemish
١٠. وَنِلتَ مَجداً فَحاذِر أَن تُدَنِّسَهُ
أَبٌ كَريمٌ وَجَدٌّ غَيرُ مُؤتَشَبِ
11. Do not be miserly with wealth from its purposes
Except to avoid prodigality or greed
١١. لا تَبخَلَنَّ بِمالٍ عَن مَذاهِبِهِ
في غَيرِ زَلَّةِ إِسرافٍ وَلا ثَغَبِ
12. For its heirs will not praise you for it
When they take turns between milk and swaddling
١٢. فَإِنَّ وُرّاثَهُ لَن يَحمَدوكَ بِهِ
إِذا أَجَنّوكَ بَينَ اللَبنِ وَالخَشَبِ
13. And leave the manners of people without manners
And hold to the morals of people of merit and refinement
١٣. وَاِترُك خَلائِقَ قَومٍ لا خَلاقَ لَهُم
وَاِعمَد لِأَخلاقِ أَهلِ الفَضلِ وَالأَدَبِ
14. And if you are called to betrayal or ordered to do it
Escape it with all your might, in whichever way you can
١٤. وَإِن دُعيتَ لِغَدرٍ أَو أُمِرتَ بِهِ
فَاِهرَب بِنَفسِكَ عَنهُ أَيَّةَ الهَرَبِ