
Her eyes have little flesh, yet youth and lowered life adorn her.

قليلة لحم الناظرين يزينها

1. Her eyes have little flesh, yet youth and lowered life adorn her.
She wished to rise and pace the aisle, but rising was denied her;

١. قَليلَةُ لَحمِ النَاظرَينَ يَزينُها
شَبابٌ وَمَخفوضٌ مِنَ العَيشِ بارِدُ

2. Childbearing pressed her down. She tends to merry talk, as though
She were a sister to the one whom fate so long has tried.

٢. أَرادَت لِتَنتاشَ الرِواقَ فَلَم تَقُم
إِلَيهِ وَلَكِن طَأطَأَتهُ الوَلائِدُ