1. And truly a story came to me from the left,
And ignorance, though a man should not be ignorant,
١. وَإِنّي أَتَتني عَن يَسارٍ مَقالَةٌ
وَجَهلٌ وَكانَ المَرءُ لَيسَ بِجاهِلِ
2. For you have attempted ignorance and strife,
And you strive in vain if you strive with the ineffective,
٢. فَإِنَّكَ قَد حاوَلتَ جَهلاً وَفِتنَةً
وَإِنَّكَ تَسعى إِن سَعيتَ بِخامِلِ
3. And how could I oppose a group who discipline you
For truth, lest they adulterate it with falsehood,
٣. وَكَيفَ أُعادي مَعشَراً يَأدِبونَكُم
عَلى الحَقِّ أَن لا يَأشِبُوهُ بِباطِلِ
4. My liver refused, I will not lie to you about their fighting,
And my palms and fingers refused me, upon myself my fingers.
٤. أَبَت كَبِدي لا أَكذِبَنكَ قِتالَهُم
وَكفّي وَتأباهُ عَلَيَّ أَنامِلي