
If the sons of Uthman are killed therein

فإن يقتل بنو عثمان فيها

1. If the sons of Uthman are killed therein
Then they killed the loyalists and the bosom friends

١. فَإِن يُقتَل بَنو عُثمانَ فيها
فَهُم قَتَلوا المَوالي وَالصَميما

2. And they killed the sons of Al Sabaah until
It was as if their old woman had been barren

٢. وَهُم قَتَلوا بَني الصَبّاحِ حَتّى
كَأَنَّ عَجوزَهُم كانَت عَقيما

3. And these days have left us
And were not content with us except the generous

٣. وَأَبقَت هَذِهِ الأَيّامُ مِنّا
وَلَم تَرضَ لَنا إِلا كَريما

4. So the horsemen stab the horses fiercely
By Al Hayja and they water the wheat

٤. فَوارِسَ يَطعَنونَ الخَيلَ شَزراً
لَدى الهَيجا وَيَروونَ النَديما