1. I see you as a man struggling against the injustice of your people,
Yet you have no integrity against the tyranny of the clan.
١. أَراكَ اِمرَأً في ظُلمِ قَومِكَ جاهِداً
وَمالَكَ في ظُلمِ العَشيرَةِ مِن رُشدِ
2. If you do not willingly abandon the injustice of the clan,
You will meet a resentful man from your people.
٢. فَإِلّا تَدَع ظُلمَ العَشيرَةِ طائِعاً
تُلاقِ اِمرَأً مِن بَعضِ قَومِكَ ذا حِقدِ
3. Either a foot soldier or a horseman,
On a reddish brown horse, the best of horses.
٣. مِنَ الرِجلَةِ الساعينَ أَو تَلقَ فارِساً
عَلى فَرَسٍ في الخَيلِ أَدهَمَ ذي وِردِ
4. A steed sharp as a sword blade, wherever you meet him,
He will strike or stab you deliberately.
٤. جَوادٍ كَنِصلِ السَيفِ أَينَ لَقيتَهُ
فَيَضرِبكَ أَو يَطعَنكَ طَعناً عَلى عَمدِ
5. Have you not seen how Aad, despite their multitude,
Were scattered by a tribe who deviated from the right path?
٥. ألَم تَرَ عاداً كَيفَ فَرَّقَ جَمعَها
قُبَيلٌ وَقِدماً جارَ عَن مَنهَجِ القَصدِ
6. The people of Aad said "We are destroyed!" so they prepared
Their best people, men of glory and dignity.
٦. وَقالَت بَنو عادٍ هَلَكنا فَجَهَّزوا
خِيارَهُمُ أَهلَ الرِفاعَةِ وَالمَجدِ
7. Yet Abu Saad and Qail were punished
With Luqman when he returned the beloved to the curly-haired one.
٧. وَكانَ أَبو سَعدٍ وَقَيلٌ فَعوقِبوا
بِلُقمانَ إِذ رَدَّ الحَبيبَ إِلى الجَعدِ
8. When they came to the meadows of locusts they stayed
Thirty days, then swarmed in ecstasy.
٨. فَلَمّا أَتَوا عَزفَ الجَرادةِ أَخلَدوا
ثَلاثينَ يَوماً ثُمَّ هَبّوا عَلى وَجدِ
9. They were told "You have been given a choice, so choose"
Your fate, but there is no path to immortality.
٩. فَقيلَ لَهُم أُعطيتُمُ فَتَخَيَّروا
مُناكُم وَلَكِن لا سَبيلَ إِلى الخُلدِ
10. "Strike off my head," he said "and do not hesitate,
With clubs of rigid ebony wood."
١٠. وَقالَ اِضرِبوا رَأسي وَلا تَتَهَيَّبوا
نُجوراً مِنَ الأَطوادِ ذي أُجُدٍ صَلدِ
11. So the thunderbolts struck him down like one
Who foolishly sought folly, and folly leads to ruin.
١١. فَعاجَلَهُ وَقعُ الصَواعِقِ كَالَّذي
أَرادَ سِفاها وَالسَفاهَةُ قَد تُردي
12. While Luqman was granted life, so he rejected it,
Returning it to one free and steadfast as a pillar.
١٢. وَمُلِّكَ لُقمانُ الحَياةَ فَرَدَّها
إِلى ناهِضٍ حُرٍّ قَوائِمُهُ نَهدِ
13. He loved immortality, if only he could obtain
The gems that fell as rain the night of thunder and lightning.
١٣. وَكانَ يُحِبُ الخُلدَ لَو حَصُلَت لَهُ
أَفاحيصُ صارَت لَيلَةَ القَطرِ وَالرَعدِ
14. Abu Saad said "My God, please grant me
Death for what has passed, the most precious thing."
١٤. وَقالَ أَبو سَعدٍ إِلَهِيَ فَأَعطِني
مُنايَ عَلى ما كانَ أَذهَبَ مِن وَجدِ
15. So God granted him righteousness and piety, both
Never lacking in generosity and loyalty.
١٥. فَزَوَّدَهُ بِرّاً وَتَقوى كِلاهُما
وَما كانَ عَن رِفدِ الوِفادَةِ مِن صَدِّ