1. Convey to the chiefs of Banu Shihab, all of them
And the exemplars of Banu 'Atab
١. أَبلِغ سَراةَ بَني شِهابٍ كُلَّها
وَذَوي المَثالَةِ مِن بَني عَتّابِ
2. Much clamor arose, though I was not spared a coward
Like 'Utaybah ibn Al-Harith ibn Shihab
٢. كَثُرَ الضَجاجُ وَما مُنيتُ بِغادِرٍ
كَعُتَيبَةَ بنِ الحارِثِ بنِ شِهابِ
3. You disgraced Hanzalah the despicable and disgraceful
And defiled the last of these eras
٣. جَلَّلتَ حَنظَلَةَ المَخانَةَ وَالخَنا
وَدَنِستَ آخِرَ هَذِهِ الأَحقابِ
4. And you captured Anas yet made no attempt
To ransom your neighbor Banu Miqab
٤. وَأَسَرتُمُ أَنَساً فَما حاوَلتُمُ
بِإِسارٍ جارِكُمُ بَني الميقابِ
5. So clench your noses and refrain
From you the hardy nomads come
٥. فِخّوا بِأَطرافِ الأُنوفِ وَأَمهِلوا
عَنكُم قَوادِمَ صِرمَةِ الأَعرابِ
6. By the esteem in which she who bore you is held
By the esteem in which the company is held
٦. بِاِستِ الَّتي وَلَدَتكَ وَاِستِ مَعاشِرٍ
تَرَكوكَ تَمَرِسُهُم مِنَ الأَحسابِ