
Oh that some messenger to Sufyan may tell,

ألا من مبلغ سفيان عني

1. Oh that some messenger to Sufyan may tell,
Though I think the messenger himself will tell,

١. أَلا مَن مُبلِغٌ سُفيانَ عَنّي
وَظَنّي أَن سَيُبلِغَهُ الرَسولُ

2. And his lord 'Atiyya, that but little
Comes from me though gossip comes apace.

٢. وَمَولاهُ عَطِيَّةَ أَنَّ قيلاً
خَلا مِنّي وَأَن قَد باتَ قيلُ

3. You grew weary of your Lord and so denied Him
Though that in your own land is foul disgrace.

٣. سَئِمتُم رَبَّكُم وَكَفَرتُموهُ
وَذلِكُمُ بِأَرضِكُمُ جَميلُ

4. Oh, be as true as the youth Shabib was,
So that guardianship and power on him did devolve.

٤. أَلا تُوفِي كَما أَوفى شَبيبٌ
فَحَلَّ لَهُ الوِلايَةُ وَالشُمولُ

5. His father was the truest of you all
And the best of you when good is told abroad.

٥. أَبوهُ كانَ خَيرَكُمُ وَفاءً
وَخَيرَكُمُ إِذا حُمِدَ الجَميلُ

6. Woe for satire! Each day from my neighbors
Come raids, while I'm helpless to return a blow.

٦. أُلامُ عَلى الهِجاءِ وَكُلُّ يَومٍ
تُلاقيني مِنَ الجيرانِ غولُ

7. I'll make it a device for all of you
Though the tongue may speak what the heart disavows.

٧. سَأَجعَلُها لأَجمَعِكُم شِعاراً
وَقَد يَمضي اللِسانُ بِما يَقولُ