
By my life, the millstone of war has ground

لعمري لقد حكت رحى الحرب بعدما

1. By my life, the millstone of war has ground
After it flew high, east and west,

١. لَعَمري لَقَد حَكَّت رَحى الحَربِ بَعدَما
أَطارَت لُؤَيّاً قَبلُ شَرقاً وَمَغرِبا

2. The remnant of the priestly house and its glory
So it returned humiliated after it had been victorious

٢. بَقِيَّةَ آلِ الكاهِنَينِ وَعِزَّها
فَعادَ ذَليلاً بَعدَما كانَ أَغلَبا

3. Thus fell Salam and Ibn Saiyah by force
And the son of Akhtab was bound a captive to death

٣. فَطاحَ سَلامٌ وَاِبنُ سَعيَةَ عَنوَةً
وَقيدَ ذَليلاً لِلمَنايا اِبنُ أَخطَبا

4. He who sought glory, now seeks humiliation
Unlike his former gains when he attacked

٤. وَأَجلَبَ يَبغي العِزَّ وَالذُلَّ يَبتَغي
خِلافَ يَدَيهِ ما جَنى حينَ أَجلَبا

5. Like one who leaves the easy ground and grieves
Though once among men he was fiercest and hardest

٥. كَتارِكِ سَهلِ الأَرضِ وَالحَزنُ هَمُّهُ
وَقَد كانَ ذا في الناسِ أَكدى وَأَصعَبا

6. Both Shammas and Azzal did pray with them
And were absent from that place with the absent ones

٦. وَشَأسٌ وَعَزّالٌ وَقَد صَلِيا بِها
وَما غُيِّبا عَن ذاكَ فيمَن تَغَيَّبا

7. And Awf the son of Salma and the son of Awf alike
And Kaab the chief of the people, fortune failed them

٧. وَعَوفُ بنُ سَلمى وَاِبنُ عَوفٍ كِلاهُما
وَكَعبٌ رَئيسُ القَومِ حانَ وَخُيِّبا

8. So ruin and crushing on the Nadhir and the like of them
If a conquest follows or if Allah brings conquest

٨. فَبُعداً وَسُحقاً لِلنَضيرِ وَمِثلُها
إِن أَعقَبَ فَتحٌ أَو إِنِ اللَهُ أَعقَبا