
Leave off your words of misguidance, we have had enough

دعي عنك تقوال الضلال كفى بنا

1. Leave off your words of misguidance, we have had enough
Of the ram of turmoil yesterday and today butting

١. دَعي عَنكِ تَقوالَ الضَلالِ كَفى بِنا
لِكَبشِ الوَغى في اليَومِ وَالأَمسِ ناطِحا

2. Khalid is more deserving of excuse than you
The day he took a clear path in authority

٢. فَخالِدُ أَولى بِالتَعَذُّرِ مِنكُمُ
غَداةَ عَلا نَهجاً مِنَ الأَمرِ واضِحا

3. Suffering with what Allah decreed driving you
Appendages that do not bend for it or active limbs

٣. مُعانا بِأَمرِ اللَهِ يُزجي إِليكُمُ
سَوانِحَ لا تَكبو لَهُ وَبَوارِحا

4. We bewailed Malik in the plains when it brought him down
Gloomy-faced in the stirrer up of dust fiercely blowing

٤. نَعَوا مالِكاً بِالسَهلِ لَمّا هَبَطنَهُ
عَوابِسَ في كابي الغُبارِ كوالِحا

5. For if we have burdened you with loss, Malik
You left over him wailing women and wailers

٥. فَإِن نَكُ أَثكَلناكِ سَلمى فَمالِكٌ
تَركتُم عَلَيهِ نائِحاتٍ وَنائِحا