
By my life! The generous man, son of 'Asim, has fulfilled his duty,

لعمري لقد أوفى الجواد ابن عاصم

1. By my life! The generous man, son of 'Asim, has fulfilled his duty,
And protected a neighbor on the day his young camels bellowed.

١. لَعَمري لَقَد أَوفى الَجَوادُ اِبنُ عاصِمٍ
وَأَحصَنَ جاراً يَومَ يَحدِجُ بَكرَه

2. He set up a glorious gathering in his abode,
Where he saw no evil, nor feared any treachery.

٢. أَقامَ عَزيزاً مُنتَدى القَومِ عِندَهُ
فَلَم يَرَ سَوءاتٍ وَلَم يَخشَ غَدرَه

3. He dwelt in prosperity, drinking water in security,
Eating in its midst, and spreading out his encampment.

٣. أَقام بِسَعدٍ يَشرَبُ الماءَ آمِناً
وَيَأكُلُ وُسطاها وَيَربِضُ حَجرَه

4. For when you exchanged Qais, son of 'Asim,
For the vile Juwayn, an evil substitution it was!

٤. فَإِنَّكَ إِذ بادَلتَ قَيسَ بنَ عاصِمٍ
جُوَيناً لَمُختارُ المَنازِلِ شَرَّه

5. He set out at dawn, leading his she-camels through the barren land.
What but a noble kinsman and his family has he left behind?

٥. فَأَصبَحَ يَحدو رَحلَهُ بِمَفازَةٍ
وَماذا عَدا جاراً كَريماً وَأُسرَه

6. He remains in the land of betrayal, devouring his sworn truce,
Juwayn and Shumukh, two ruinous in their sin.

٦. يَظَلُّ بِأَرضِ الغَدرِ يَأكُل عَهدَهُ
جُوَينٌ وَشَمخٌ خارِبَينِ بِوَجرَه

7. Blaming their provisions, though sustenance is forbidden;
Two thieves pilfering from a water-skin, evildoers in their pillage.

٧. يُذِمّانِ بِالأَزوادِ وَالزادُ مَحرَمٌ
سَروقانِ مِن عِرقٍ شَروراً وَفَجرَه