
Beyond peace for virtuous Imār we yearn

أبعد عمار الخير نرجو سلامة

1. Beyond peace for virtuous Imār we yearn
Though his joints and ribs are rent and torn

١. أَبَعدَ عِمارَ الخَيرِ نَرجو سَلامَةً
وَقَد بَتَكَت آرابُهُ وَمَفاصِلُه

2. My hands grasp not the horn to make him kneel
Nor stallion reins to humble him forlorn

٢. فَلا وَضَعَت عِندي حَصانٌ خِمارَها
وَلا ظَفِرَت كَفّي بِقَرنٍ أُنازِلُه

3. If I raid not Khaulān in their abodes
With steeds whose barding clatter as they're borne

٣. لَإِن لَم أَزُر خَولانَ في عَقرِ دارِها
بِأَرعَنَ رَجّافٍ تُزَجّى قَنابِلُه

4. Sate my ire on Quḍā‘ah, every blade
That fills the grip made for the hand that's sworn

٤. وَأشفي غَليلي مِن سَراةِ قُضاعَةٍ
وَكُلُّ صَقيلٍ يَملَأُ الكَفَّ حامِلُه

5. Who bears my word to 'Amr ibn 'Awf's ear
And Ya'lā ibn Sa'd whom I have forewarned

٥. فَمَن مُبلِغٌ عَمرُو بنِ عَوفٍ رِسالَةً
وَيعلى بنَ سَعدٍ مِن ثَؤورٍ يُراسِلُه

6. That I shall storm the pasture, a foray
Whose shocks will shake foundations worn

٦. بِأَنّي سَأَرمي الحَقلَ يَوماً بَغارَةٍ
لَها مَنكِبٌ حانٍ تُدوِّي زَلازِلُه

7. With 'Amr ibn 'Awf my care and bane
If we should meet in battle's morn

٧. وَعَمرُو بنُ عَوفٍ هَمّي وَمُنيَتي
إِذا كانَ لي يَوماً قَرينٌ أُنازِلُه

8. He dwelled where Death holds court in the worst stead
While meadows white lay fallow and forlorn

٨. أَقامَ بِدارِ الغَورِ في شَرِّ مَنزِلٍ
وَخَلّى بَياضَ الحَقلِ يَزهُرُ خامِلُه