1. They wronged Iyad while he dreamed of them,
And wrong between the two worlds is ancient.
١. ظَلَموا عياضاً وَهو يَحلَم عنهمُ
وَالظُلمُ بينَ العالمينَ قديمُ
2. They put an eye instead of the letter 'ra' in his name
So they could conceal him, though his affair is known.
٢. جَعَلوا مَكان الراءِ عيناً في اِسمهِ
كَي يَكتموه وَشأنه مَعلومُ
3. If not for him, the plains of Sebta would not have flourished,
Nor the gardens surrounding it existed.
٣. لَولاه ما فاحَت أَباطح سبتةٍ
وَالرّوض حَول فنائِها معدومُ