
I speak as my departure has come, and my companions have chirped,

أقول وقد جاء إرتحالي وغردت

1. I speak as my departure has come, and my companions have chirped,
My friends have readied for farewell, my regiments have assembled.

١. أَقول وَقَد جاءَ اِرتحالي وَغرّدت
حداتي وَزمّت للفراق كتائبي

2. My eyelids are heavy from the flowing tears,
My sorrows have become like the blowing wind from my heart.

٢. وَقَد غمضت مِن كثرةِ الدمعِ مُقلتي
وَصارَت هواء من فؤادي ترائبي

3. Nothing remains except a stand I owe,
A farewell to friends, not to lovers.

٣. وَلَم يَبقَ إِلّا وَقفة يستحقّها
وَداعِيَ للأَحباب لا للحَبائبِ

4. May God shepherd the neighbors of glorious Cordoba,
And may its Lord water it with starry rivers.

٤. رَعى اللَه جيراناً بقرطبة العلى
وَسَقى رباها بالعهاد السواكبِ

5. And may He greet a time I have become accustomed to,
Open, bright-faced, soft-sided.

٥. وَحيّا زَماناً بينهم قد أَلفته
طَليق المحيّا مستلان الجَوانبِ

6. Our brothers in God there, remember
The covenant of a neighbor or the affection of a friend.

٦. إخواننا باللَه فيها تَذكّروا
مَعاهدَ جار أَو مودّة صاحبِ

7. I went to them for their righteousness and their gathering,
As if among my family and between my kin.

٧. غَدوت بهم من برّهِم وَاِحتِفائهم
كَأَنّيَ في أَهلي وَبين أَقاربي