1. We have lost the pillar of the clan, so the pillar is grieving
for the loss of Abu Uthman, and the house and the stone.
١. فَقَدنا عَميدَ الحَيِّ فَالرُكنُ خاشِعٌ
لِفَقدِ أَبي عُثمانَ وَالبَيتُ وَالحِجرُ
2. Hisham ibn al Mugheera was a protection
when people were beset by fears and poverty.
٢. وَكانَ هِشامُ بنُ المُغيرَةِ عِصمَةً
إِذا عَرَكَ الناسَ المَخاوِفُ وَالفَقرُ
3. With his verses the widows of his clan
would find refuge, and the orphans of the clan and journey.
٣. بِأَبياتِهِ كانَت أَرامِلُ قَومِهِ
تَلوذُ وَأَيتامُ العَشيرَةِ وَالسفرُ
4. So Quraysh wished that they could ransom him with half of themselves
By my life, they would have ransomed him for half.
٤. فَوَدَّت قُريشٌ لَو فَدَتهُ بِشَطرِها
وَقَلَّ لَعَمري لَو فَدَوهُ لَهُ الشَطرُ
5. We say to Amr: you are from him, and indeed we
hope for you in all difficult matters, O Amr.
٥. نَقولُ لِعَمرٍو أَنتَ مِنهُ وَإِنَّنا
لَنَرجوكَ في جلِّ المُهِمّاتِ يا عَمرُو