
Tell those of Kenanah's kin who live in glory

قل لمن كان من كنانة في العز

1. Tell those of Kenanah's kin who live in glory
And people of munificence and noble deeds -

١. قُل لِمَن كانَ مِن كِنانَةَ في العِز
َأَهلِ النَدى وَأَهلِ الفعالِ

2. A messenger has come to you from the King;
Accept him with righteous works and moral needs.

٢. قَد أَتاكُم مِنَ المَليكِ رَسولٌ
فَاِقبَلوهُ بِصالِحِ الأَعمالِ

3. Accept Ahmad, for God has given him
A mantle not debased by shame's misdeeds.

٣. فَاِقبَلوا أَحمَداً فَإِنَّ مِنَ اللَـ
ـهِ رِداءً عَلَيهِ غَيرَ مُذالِ