1. Tell the servant of Al-'Uzza, my brother and close friend,
And the Hashimites altogether, our glory,
١. قُل لِعَبدِ العُزّى أَخي وَشَقيقي
وَبَني هاشِمٍ جَميعاً عِزينا
2. And my friend Abu 'Imran and the brothers,
Fliers, and my family altogether,
٢. وَصَديقي أَبي عِمارَةَ وَالإِخـ
ـوانِ طُرّاً وَأُسرَتي أَجمَعينا
3. Know that I am his supporter,
And chastiser with my authority of the deserters,
٣. فَاِعلَموا أَنَّني لَهُ ناصِرٌ
وَمُجِرٌّ بِصَولَتي الخاذِلينا
4. So support him for the sake of close ties and noble lineage,
And be for him a helping hand and reconciling.
٤. فَاِنصُروهُ لِلرحمِ وَالنَسَبِ الأَد
نى وَكونوا لَهُ يَداً مُصلِتينا