1. How long shall we remain inactive,
O Hashim, while the people are in turmoil,
١. حَتّى مَتى نَحنُ عَلى فَترَةٍ
يا هاشِمٌ وَالقومُ في جَحفَلِ
2. Calling for horses by the neck,
While we remain fearful and isolated?
٢. يَدعونَ بِالخَيلِ لَدى رَقبَةٍ
مِنّا لَدى الخَوفِ وَفي مَعزلِ
3. Like a black camel that wanders blindly
And soon gets lost in confusing terrain,
٣. كَالرِجلَةِ السَوداءِ تَغلو بِها
سَرعانُها في سَبسَبٍ مَجهَلِ
4. The Turks attack in raging madness
Like a wild cat approaching a watering hole,
٤. عَلَيهِمُ التَركُ عَلى رَعلَةٍ
مِثلَ القَطا القارِبِ لِلمَنهَلِ
5. O people, defend your community
With every sharp blade on its sheath,
٥. يا قَومُ ذودوا عَن جَماهيرِكُم
بِكُلِّ مِقصالٍ عَلى مُسبِلِ
6. Five span swords that slice as they strike,
Inheritance of the finest from the finest,
٦. حَديدِ خَمسٍ لَهزٌ حَدُّهُ
مَآرِثُ الأَفضَلِ لِلأَفضَلِ
7. Six span wide swords that blaze as they slash,
Honed to a polish in the whetstone,
٧. عَريضِ سِتٍّ لَهَبٌ حُضرُهُ
يُصانُ بِالتَذليقِ في مجدَلِ
8. How many wars have I seen among noble youth
In the chaos and dust of the battlefield,
٨. فَكَم شَهِدتُ الحَربَ في فِتيَةٍ
عِندَ الوَغى في عِثيَرِ القَسطَلِ
9. Never flinching when you meet them,
And in the fury of war like lion cubs.
٩. وَلا مُتَنَحينَ إِذا جِئتَهُم
وَفي هِياجِ الحَربِ كَالأَشبُلِ