
Does the King of Abyssinia know that Muhammad

أتعلم ملك الحبش أن محمداً

1. Does the King of Abyssinia know that Muhammad
Is a prophet like Moses and Jesus son of Mary?

١. أَتَعلَمُ مَلكَ الحُبشِ أَنَّ مُحَمَّداً
نَبِيٌّ كَموسى وَالمَسيحِ اِبنِ مَريَمِ

2. He came with guidance similar to what they brought
And each, by God's command, guides and protects.

٢. أَتى بِهُدىً مِثلَ الَّذي أَتَيا بِهِ
وَكُلٌّ بِأَمرِ اللَهِ يَهدي وَيَعصِمِ

3. You read it in your scripture truthfully
Not by the truth of translation.

٣. وَإِنَّكُمُ تَتلونَهُ في كِتابِكُم
بِصِدقِ حَديثٍ لا بِصِدقِ التَرَجُّمِ

4. So do not set up rivals to God, and submit,
For the path of truth is not dark.

٤. فَلا تَجعَلوا لِلَّهِ نِدّاً وَأَسلِموا
وَإِنَّ طَريقَ الحَقِّ لَيسَ بِمُظلِمِ