1. Is it from recalling an uncertain past,
That you've become depressed, crying like one in agony?
١. أَمِن تَذَكُّرِ دَهرٍ غَيرِ مَأمونِ
أَصبَحتَ مُكتَئِباً تَبكي كَمَحزونِ
2. Or is it from remembering ignorant folk,
Who oppress with injustice those who invite to the faith?
٢. أَم مِن تَذَكُّرِ أَقوامٍ ذَوي سَفَهٍ
يَغشونَ بِالظُلمِ مَن يَدعو إِلى الدينِ
3. They do not cease from lewdness when commanded,
And treachery in them is a path that cannot be trusted.
٣. لا يَنتَهونَ عَنِ الفَحشاءِ ما أُمِروا
وَالغَدرُ فيهِم سَبيلٌ غَيرُ مَأمونِ
4. Do they not see how God has humiliated their gathering?
For we were angry for Uthman ibn Maz'un.
٤. أَلا يَرَونَ أَذَلَّ اللَهُ جَمعَهُمُ
أَنّا غَضِبنا لِعُثمانَ بنِ مَظعونِ
5. When they insult without fearing the consequences,
With stabbing, striking, and unbound beating.
٥. إِذا يَلطِمونَ وَلا يَخشَونَ مُقلَتَهُ
طَعناً دِراكاً وَضَرباً غَيرَ مَرهونِ
6. So we will repay them, unless he dies soon,
With full measure, undeceived recompense.
٦. فَسَوفَ نَجزيهمُ إِن لَم يَمُت عَجِلاً
كَيلاً بِكَيلٍ جَزاءً غَيرَ مَغبونِ
7. Or they desist from the matter they have undertaken,
And accept from us afterwards, the lesser due.
٧. أَو يَنتَهونَ عَنِ الأَمرِ الَّذي وَقَفوا
فيهِ وَيَرضَونَ مِنّا بَعدُ بِالدونِ
8. And we prevent injustice from one who seeks to wrong us,
With every banished fist, bound tight.
٨. وَنَمنَعُ الضَيمَ مَن يَبغِي مَضامَتَنا
بِكُلِّ مُطَّرِدٍ في الكَفِّ مَسنونِ
9. And caustic words, as if salt mixed in,
With which the malady is cured, away from the insane.
٩. وَمُرهَفاتٍ كَأَنَّ المِلحَ خالطَها
يُشفى بِها الداءُ مِن هامِ المَجانينِ
10. Until unyielding men are content,
After hardship, with gentleness and softness.
١٠. حَتّى تُقِرَّ رِجالٌ لا حُلومَ لَها
بَعدَ الصُعوبَةِ بِالإِسماحِ وَاللينِ
11. Or they believe in a wondrous, revealed scripture,
Sent down upon a prophet like Moses or Jonah.
١١. أَو يُؤمِنوا بِكتابٍ مُنزَلٍ عَجَبٍ
عَلى نَبِيٍّ كَموسى أَو كَذي النونِ
12. Which comes with a clear command, without crookedness,
As is evident in the signs of Ya Sin.
١٢. يَأَتي بِأَمرٍ جَلِيٍّ غَيرِ ذو عِوَجٍ
كَما تَبَيَّنَ في آياتِ ياسينِ