
Alas, who has sorrow at the end of night in darkness,

ألا من لهم آخر الليل معتم

1. Alas, who has sorrow at the end of night in darkness,
While others are asleep and a few still converse?

١. أَلا مَن لِهَمٍّ آخِرَ اللَيلِ مُعتِمِ
طَواني وَأُخرى النَجمِ لَمّا تَقَحَّمِ

2. For the dreams of people who wished evil upon Muhammad
With injustice-and he who does not avoid injustice will suffer it.

٢. طَواني وَقَد نامَت عُيونٌ كَثيرَةٌ
وَسامِرُ أُخرى قاعِدٌ لَم يُنَوّمِ

3. They sought foolishly, and the vileness of their affair led them
To charge one whose command was unassailable.

٣. لِأَحلامِ قَومٍ قَد أَرادوا مُحَمَّداً
بِظُلمٍ وَمَن لا يَتَّقي الظُلمَ يُظلَمِ

4. You hoped for things without attaining their perfection,
Though you solicited in every land and season.

٤. سَعَوا سَفَهاً وَاِقتادَهُم سوءُ أَمرِهِم
عَلى فائِلٍ مِن أَمرِهِم غَيرِ مُحكَمِ

5. You asked us for a scheme but did not achieve it,
Jabbering and stabbing with a polished blade.

٥. رجاةَ أُمورٍ لَم يَنالوا نِظامَها
وَإِن نَشَدوا في كُلِّ بَدوٍ وَمَوسِمِ

6. You hoped we would be satisfied with Muhammad's murder,
Yet the summits of the lofty mountains were not stained with blood.

٦. تُرَجّونَ مِنّا خُطَّةً دونَ نيلِها
ضِرابٌ وَطَعنٌ بِالوَشيجِ المُقَوَّمِ

7. You lied, by the House of God, until you recognized
Skulls thrown amid the gravel and Zamzam.

٧. تُرَجّونَ أَن نَسخى بِقَتلِ مُحَمَّدٍ
وَلَم تَختَضِب سُمرُ العَوالي مِنَ الدَمِ

8. Wombs will be cut open and a woman will forget
Her dear one, violations will spread after prohibitions,

٨. كَذَبتُم وَبَيتِ اللَهِ حَتّى تَعَرَّفوا
جَماجِمَ تُلقى بِالحَطيمِ وَزَمزَمِ

9. And a people will rise up against you in arms
To defend their rights, every offender.

٩. وَتُقطَعَ أَرحامٌ وَتَنسى حَليلَةٌ
حَليلاً وَيُفشى مَحرَمٌ بَعدَ مَحرَمِ

10. Wronging a prophet who came calling to guidance
And a matter sent by the Lord of the steadfast Throne

١٠. وَيَنهَضَ قَومٌ في الحَديدِ إِلَيكُمُ
يَذُبّونَ عَن أَحسابِهِم كُلَّ مُجرِمِ

11. They are lions, lions of the thicket, when they set out
In wrath, no herald of a teacher was feared.

١١. وَظُلمُ نَبِيٍّ جاءَ يَدعو إِلى الهُدى
وَأَمرٌ أَتى مِن عِندِ ذي العَرشِ قَيِّمِ

12. So wake, O Banu Fihr, before the dirges arise
For the dead who will call for regret.

١٢. هُمُ الأُسدُ أُسدُ الزارَتَينِ إِذا غَدَت
عَلى حَنَقٍ لَم يُخشَ إِعلامُ مُعلِمِ

13. For your past rebellion, disobedience,
And your covering up our affairs, every disgrace.

١٣. فَيا لبني فِهرٍ أَفيقوا وَلَم تَقُم
نَوائِحُ قَتلى تَدَّعي بِالتَنَدُّمِ

14. Do not count us as submissive or the like
If submission is found in a people, then it is not submission.

١٤. عَلى ما مَضى مِن بَغيِكُم وَعُقوقِكُم
وَغِشيانِكُم مِن أَمرِنا كُلَّ مَأثَمِ

15. So these are excuses and gifts for you
Lest war come before the advance.

١٥. فَلا تَحسِبونا مُسلميهِ وَمِثلُهُ
إِذا كانَ في قَومٍ فَلَيسَ بِمُسلَمِ

١٦. فَهَذي مَعاذيرٌ وَتَقدِمَةٌ لَكُم
لِكَي لا تَكونَ الحَربُ قَبلَ التَقَدُّمِ