1. They say to me, "Leave the defense of him who brought guidance,
And conquer for us the conquest of every conqueror,
١. يَقولون لي دع نَصرَ مَن جاءَ بِالهُدى
وَغالِب لَنا غِلابَ كُلِّ مُغالِبِ
2. And deliver Ahmad to us, and provide for us
Sons, and pay no heed to the words of the reproachers."
٢. وَسَلِّم إِلَينا أَحمَداً وَاِكفَلَن لَنا
بُنيّاً وَلا تَحفل بِقَولِ المُعاتِبِ
3. So I said to them, "God is my Lord and my supporter
Against every rebel from Lu'ay son of Ghalib."
٣. فَقُلتُ لَهُم اللَهُ رَبّي وَناصِري
عَلى كُلِّ باغٍ مِن لُؤَيِّ بنِ غالِبِ