1. Alas! Who has deep sorrows in the late night,
And the people's path split into branches,
١. أَلا مَن لِهَمٍّ آخِرَ اللَيلِ مُنصِبِ
وَشِعبِ العَصا مِن قَومِكِ المُتَشَعِّبِ
2. I have seen Jarba from the tribe of Lu'ayy ibn Ghalib,
Whenever the sincere confront him in dispute,
٢. وَجَربى أَراها مِن لُؤَيِّ بنِ غالِبٍ
مَتى ما تُزاحِمُها الصَحيحَةُ لجربِ
3. When a cunning man arises among the people,
They all stand together, then shout and become agitated.
٣. إِذا قائِمٌ في القَومِ قامَ بِخُطَّةٍ
أَقاموا جَميعاً ثُمَّ صاحوا وَأَجلَبوا
4. What is the fault of one who calls to Allah alone,
And the ancient religion whose people are not disappointed.
٤. وَما ذَنبُ مَن يَدعو إِلى اللَهِ وَحدَهُ
وَدين قَديم أَهلُهُ غَيرُ خُيَّبِ
5. What injustice is there against one who calls for righteousness and piety,
And mending the rift on a day with no safe passage.
٥. وَما ظُلمُ مَن يَدعو إِلى البِرِّ وَالتُقى
وَرَأب الثَأيِ في يَومِ لا حينَ مَشعَبِ
6. They had already in the past tasted the bitterness of their affairs,
A scholar is not like one who has never experienced.
٦. وَقَد جرِّبوا فيما مَضى غِبَّ أَمرِهِم
وَما عالمٌ أَمراً كَمَن لَم يُجَرِّبِ
7. There was a lesson in the matter of the scripture,
Brought to you by a biased criticizer.
٧. وَقَد كانَ في أَمرِ الصَحيفَةِ عِبرَةٌ
أَتاكَ بِها مِن عائِبٍ مُتَعَصِّبِ
8. Allah has erased their disbelief and defiance,
They resent not the truthful speaker.
٨. محا اللَهُ مِنها كُفرَهُم وَعُقوقَهُم
وَما نَقَموا مِن صادِقِ القَولِ مُنجِبِ
9. So their talk became invalid,
And whoever fabricates what is not true, lies.
٩. فَأَصبَحَ ما قالوا مِنَ الأَمرِ باطِلاً
وَمَن يَختَلِق ما لَيسَ بِالحَقِّ يَكذِبِ
10. Thus the son of Abdullah became among us as one truthful,
Despite an angry one from our people who was unforgiving.
١٠. فَأَمسى اِبنُ عَبدِ اللَهِ فينا مصَدّقاً
عَلى ساخِطٍ مِن قَومِنا غَيرِ مُعتَبِ
11. So do not think we will abandon Muhammad,
To one estranged from us, neither an ally nor loved one.
١١. فَلا تَحسبونا خاذِلينَ مُحَمَّداً
لِذي غُربَةٍ مِنّا وَلا مُتَقَرِّبِ
12. A Hashimite hand will protect him from us,
Well-seated in glory, the best of mounts.
١٢. سَتَمنَعُهُ مِنّا يَدٌ هاشِمِيَّةٌ
مُرَكَّبُها في المَجدِ خَيرُ مُرَكَّبِ
13. And Allah, who is his Lord, will give him victory,
With the people of Ukaydir or the inhabitants of Yathrib.
١٣. وَيَنصُرُهُ اللَهُ الَّذي هُوَ رَبُّهُ
بِأَهلِ العُقَيرِ أَو بِسُكّانِ يَثرِبِ
14. No! By Him who spurs on every noble
Smooth rock by the side of a date palm heavy with fruit.
١٤. فَلا وَالَّذي يَخدي لَهُ كُلّ مُرتَمٍ
طَليحٍ بِجَنبَي نَخلَةٍ فَالمُحَصَّبِ
15. We were true to Allah in this oath and were not
Swearing falsely by the hidden ancient.
١٥. يَميناً صَدَقنا اللَهَ فيها وَلَم نَكُن
لِنَحلِفَ بُطلاً بِالعَتيقِ المُحَجَّبِ
16. We will not abandon him until we lie slain around him
Why deny the favored prophet?
١٦. نُفارِقُهُ حَتّى نُصَرَّعَ حَولَهُ
وَما بالُ تَكذيبِ النَبِيِّ المُقَرَّبِ
17. So O our people! Do not oppress us, for we
Become angry whenever we fear injustice from our clan.
١٧. فَيا قَومَنا لا تَظلِمونا فَإِنَّنا
مَتى ما نَخَف ظُلمَ العَشيرَةِ نَغضَبِ
18. Refrain from excesses of your meat for us
And do not go astray from your view in every direction.
١٨. وَكُفّوا إِلَيكُم مِن فُضولِ حلومِكُم
وَلا تَذهَبوا مِن رَأيِكُم كُلَّ مَذهَبِ
19. Do not begin with injustice and harm against us,
Lest we repay you doubly, along with mother and father.
١٩. وَلا تَبدَؤونا بِالظُلامَةِ وَالأَذى
فَنَجزيكُمو ضِعفاً مَعَ الأُمِّ وَالأَبِ