1. Do you know the house, desolate, with no companion
Save the singing girls and the fires for cooking?
١. هَلْ تَعْرِفُ الدَّارَ قَفْراً لاَ أَنِيسَ بِهَا
إِلاَّ المَغَانِي وإِلاَّ مَوْقِدَ النارِ
2. A covering whose rents the weaver time
Has not mended, nor made for it enclosure.
٢. فَطَامِسُ النُّؤْيِ عَافٍ لاَ يُثَلِّمُهُ
صَرْفُ اللَّيَالِي ولَمْ يُجْعَلْ بِجَيَّارِ
3. The smooth stones where the windswept valley lies
White cushions and perfume on the saddlebags.
٣. قَدُّ الوَلِيدَةِ في صَلْفَاءَ رَابِيَةٍ
حَوْلَ الوَسَائِدِ مِنْ بَيْضَاءَ مِعْطَارِ
4. One night when Canopus rose through the darkness
Either fasting or drinking from the leather bottle.
٤. في لَيْلَةٍ مِنْ لَيَالي القُرِّ داجيَةٍ
مِنْ مَائِهَا صَائِمٌ بِالبِيدِ أَوْ جَارِي
5. O you I hope for and hold back from my protector
Till he should deign to glance at me from the edge of the fire,
٥. يَا مَنْ لِمَوْلىً أُرْجِّيهِ وأَمْنعُهُ
حَتِّى تَطَلَّعَ لي مِنْ حَافَةِ النَّارِ
6. Till when he drew near me in the thick of night
I mastered my uttermost effort at enmity and turning away,
٦. حَتَّى إِذَا ما قَرَى لي في مَذَاخِرِهِ
جَهْدَ العَدَاوَةِ مِنْ كُفْرٍ وإدْبَارِ
7. And I launched at him, while the foe were shooting at him,
The piebald horses in a howdah with silver appointments
٧. وَاكَلْتُهُ والعِدَا تَرْمِي مَقَاتِلَهُ
خِرْقَ النَّشَاشِيبِ في ذِي شُمْرُجٍ عَارِي
8. Till when the people thrust him away from the height of glory
And the blade of the seeker pierced the strings of his heart,
٨. حَتَّى إِذَا مَا رَمَاهُ القَوْمُ عَنْ عُرُضٍ
وابْتَزَّهُ طَعْنُ طَلاَّبٍ لأَوْتَارِ
9. Till when death summoned me, and the pangs closed in,
He screamed to his beloved after the bolt shot home.
٩. حَتى دَعَانِي وكَرْبُ المَوْتِ عَامِرَةٌ
واصْطَادَ رِئْمَانَ وُدِّي بَعْدَ إِنْفَارِ
10. Then I saved him when no coward turned tail nor faint-heart
The day our company were as goodly steeds with the dust flying wild,
١٠. فَرَّجْتُ عَنْهُ بِلاَ جَافٍ ولاَ وَكَلٍ
يَوْمَ الحِفَاظِ كَرِيمٍ زَنْدُهُ وَارِي
11. We live each alone in the land, to be joined together
By the limit to which the feud of the obstinate tyrant drives us,
١١. نَصِلُّ في الأَرْضِ أَفْرَاداً وَيْجَمُعنَا
حَدُّ الخُصُومِ لِبَادِي المَلْكِ جَبَّارِ
12. As though its middle rope held back by the tent pole
The tails of stamping half-broken camels.
١٢. كَأَنَّ أَوْسَاطَهُ بِالبَابِ مُمسِكَةٌ
أَذْنَابَ بُلْقٍ تُحَامِي عِنْدَ أَمْهَارِ
13. So he in the morning was turbulent as camels mad with rut,
Stirred up like locusts on new grown vegetation;
١٣. فَذَاكَ أَصْبَحَ قَدْ هَاجَتْ مَعَارِمُهُ
هَيْجَ العَجَاجِ بِنَبْتٍ بَعْدَ إِثْمَارِ
14. And in the youth, after the hair has grown white, is a goodness
That lavishes bounty on the neighbour after the head is hoary.
١٤. وفي الفَتَى بَعْد شَيْبِ الرَّأْسِ مُعْتَمَلٌ
في الصَّالِحِينَ وإفْضَال علَى الجَارِ
15. The smooth stones wrap the well-rope of the deep-dug well
Wavy sand not yet trampled nor oriented.
١٥. تَكْسُو لِفَاعَ النَّقَا مِنْ رَمْلِ أَسْنُمَةٍ
جَعْدَ الثَّرَى غَيْرع مَوْطُوءٍ ولاَ هَارِ
16. The cheek a cheek rosy through the polished winejar
That moves round between full hands with swinging ear-rings.
١٦. وَالخَدُّ خَدُّ مَهَاةٍ رَاقَهَا لَقَطٌ
غَضٌ بِدَرْءِ هَشومٍ ذاتِ دَوَّارِ