1. A pouring without agony or suppression
A hand without a watch or forearm
١. صب بلا لوعة ولا كمد
يد بلا ساعة ولا عضد
2. And a viewer whose tears do not sweep
Mixing the sincerity of passion with libertinism
٢. وناظرٍ لا يسح مدمعه
مازجٌ صدق الغرام بالفند
3. And the most desirable of love has appeared
In tradition as a response to the words of an investigator
٣. ومشتكى الحب راح يظهر في
التقليد رداً لقول مجتهد
4. And he who resembles youth in his prime
Has gone astray even if he strays in love he will be guided
٤. ومن يشب بالسلو صبوته
ضل ولو ضل بالهوى لهدى
5. The best thing about the beloved if they understood
Is a lover not without punishment
٥. أحسن ما في الحبيب لو عقلوا
قتل محب لا بلا قود
6. Ransomed is the one who took care of the resolve, so he avoided
My sight and settled in my innermost being
٦. فدى الذي راعه النوى فنأى
عن ناظري واستقر في خلدي
7. He pretends but in vain with resilience
Fearing a guard while he himself stripped me
٧. يفتر لكن تجلداً عبثاً
خوف رقيب وقد وهى جلدي
8. And my gaze wept afterwards, so it told
Of the wolves of the frozen, solid cold
٨. واستعبر الطرف بعده فحكى
بذائب الدر جامد البرد
9. And the moon rose above the branch of a sapling
So its shadow was a night of his disheveled hair
٩. واطلع البدر فوق غصن نقا
فظله ليل شعره الجعد
10. And he broke his promise of distance, so
The spheres did not return to watch me nor did he return
١٠. وحال عن وعده البعاد فما
عاد الكرى ناظري ولم يعد
11. And so is time, I do not deny it
If today delighted me, tomorrow saddened me
١١. وهكذا الدهر لست أنكره
إن سرني اليوم ساءني بغد
12. The harshest of its afflictions
Is the loss of a close one and the loss of one missed
١٢. أشد ما كان من نوائبه
فقد قريب وقرب منفقد
13. And an ordeal that maddens the forbearing with it
And enrages the lion with it despite the scales
١٣. ومهمهٍ يسفه الحليم به
ويذهر الليث فيه بالنقد
14. I have brought its horrors to one whose state is like yours
A shirt of interwoven iron mesh
١٤. جبت مهولاته بذي حالك
قمص مسرودة من الزرد
15. It is as if the flowers at their end
Are sights that cannot recover from blindness
١٥. كأنما الزهر في أواخره
نواظر لا تصح من رمد
16. I divided them with patience in its suffering
And the concealment divided me in my body
١٦. قاسمتها الصبر في تكابده
وقاسمتني الخفاء في جسدي
17. Upon a heap as if its sights
Read what my liver had concealed for it
١٧. على طمرٌ كأن نواظره
يقرأ ما اضمرت له كبدي
18. I have not seen a mountain fly on four columns before it
It seeks me, a generosity from its fingers
١٨. لم ار من قبل متنه جبلاً
طار على اربع من العمد
19. If I appealed to the clouds, they would not find
Well-mannered, I have not seen it lost
١٩. يقصدني جود من أنامله
لو راسلتها السحاب لم تجد
20. Except I erased misguidance with righteousness
I have hoped from those before him in vain
٢٠. مهذب ما رأيته غرته
الا محوت الضلال بالرشد
21. And I have repelled them from desolation and I did not want
Time spoils my livelihood in misery for them
٢١. املت من قبله الأنام سدى
وردتهم عن ظما ولم ارد
22. While the stranger is in misery
Until I took care of it, so it swore
٢٢. ينغص الدهر عيشتي نكدا
لديهم والغريب في نكد
23. Whoever saw that I reside in my country
And if it endowed me while appearing
٢٣. حتى تيممته فأقسم من
ابصر أني المقيم في بلدي
24. I fear more than a father for his son
I did not succeed in seeing it with my worries
٢٤. وان نعماه بي وقد ظهرت
اشفق من والد على ولد
25. If after him I looked to someone else
I did not quench the thirst of clouds from dehydration
٢٥. لا ظفرت مقلتي برؤيته
اننظرت بعده إلى احد
26. If I extended other than its peace, my hands
It asks before asking its newcomer guest
٢٦. ولا سقيت الغمام عن ظماء
ان امتدت غير راحتيه يدي
27. About a helpless one in the country who did not come
Fearing it would be said that there was a young man
٢٧. يسأل قبل السؤال وافده
عن عاجز في البلاد لم يفد
28. Who lived in his time without prosperity
And son of a promiser without affiliation
٢٨. لخوفه ان يقال ثم فتى
يعيش في دهره بلا رغد
29. From an affiliate whose generosity did not fulfill
O best of those who led a brave regiment
٢٩. وابن من واعدٍ بلا صلة
من واصل جوده ولم يعد
30. Shepherd them as visible foam
As if its horsemen on ships
٣٠. يا خير من قاد فيلقاً لجباً
ارعن كاليم ظاهر الزبد
31. Whose oars roared from numbers
Good fortune takes them wherever you take them
٣١. كأن فرسانه على سفن
ثارت مجاديفها من العدد
32. You, and the spotted horse was successful by the lion
Little of it is a lot taken, and a lot raided
٣٢. يقدمها السعد حيث يقدمها
أنت ونجح الدباق بالأسد
33. And wisdom is better than a large number
How often did one envious of it plot against you
٣٣. قليلها اخذٌ كثير عدى
والحزم خير من كثرة العدد
34. And a sitter plots envy
Situations where none but you succeeded in them
٣٤. كم رام عليك منك حاسدها
وقاعد من يقوم بالحسد
35. From harm's way or the number of enemies
So the prudence in you is greater than them
٣٥. مواقف لم يفز سواك بها
من مضر قبها ولا ادد
36. And the vile one recoiled from you in disgrace
And Sham's Iraqis in Aleppo
٣٦. فصغر الحزم منك اكبرهم
وارتد بالخزي عنك كل ردى
37. Their blood while the enemy is in fetters
And whoever fears the lions will not dread
٣٧. وشام أهل العراق في حلب
دماءهم والعدو في صفد
38. A neighing beast tied to a pole
We came to you O Joseph of time without
٣٨. ومن يكن يرهب الاسود سطا
لم يخش من ناهق على وتد
39. One who strived and did not find
So surrender, time remained only a one
٣٩. جئناك يا يوسف الزمان بلا
قد جد في سعيه ولم يجد
40. And empower the construction of heights through it and blockade
And make blessed the month of fasting and remain forever
٤٠. فاسلم الدهر بقيت واحده
وشد مباني العلا به وسد
41. To the likes of its likes forever
And whenever its threat returns we replace
٤١. وأسعد بشهر الصيام وابق إلى
أمثال أمثاله إلى الأبد
42. With bounty in the heights without pillar
And here is an inundator in the gardens of progeny
٤٢. وكلما عاد وعيده ابدا
بنعمة في العلا بلا امد
43. Against whom you stand like the warbling cricket
Seeking your heights with wandering
٤٣. وهاك غمراء في رياض ذرى
عليك تشدد كالساجع الغرد
44. So it inclined toward it without columns
I seek refuge from its enviers so you can see
٤٤. توقت لعلياك ويه شاردة
فانجذبت نحوها بلا مسد
45. Penetration in the minds not the knots
Indeed, time has destroyed our elders
٤٥. اعيذها من حسودها لترى
نفاثة في العقول لا العقد
46. And one the features of this time did not start
So empower, time remained only a one
٤٦. يبيد اشياخنا الزمان بلى
وشخص هذا الزمان لم يبد