1. The nights have passed and I have suffered through them
I have tasted their circumstances, experienced and knowing
١. بلوت الليالي وابتليت بصرفها
وقد ذقت حاليها مُذاقة خابر
2. Yet I found no pleasure in their barren terrain
Nor did their flower gardens comfort me
٢. فما راق لي فيها حياض جمامها
ولا رافني منها رياض ازاهر
3. Neither those who wronged me nor those who were good
Except for the dispraise of a doubter or the praises of a grateful one
٣. وما اعتاض فيها من مسيء ومحسن
سوى ذم شاك أو محامد شاكر