
I remember a cradle in Al-Ghuwair, and a school

تذكر مهدا بالغوير ومعهدا

1. I remember a cradle in Al-Ghuwair, and a school
Where passion for glory ignited and blazed

١. تذكر مهداً بالغوير ومعهدا
فغار به الوجد المجد وانجدا

2. And it shot from the white of impeccable lineage
A star that glittered and pioneered

٢. وعن له بالأبلق الفرد بارق
فبات كما شاء الغرام مسهدا

3. It scattered the tears' assembly after its discipline
That was disciplined on the assembly of an organized system

٣. وبدد شمل الدمع بعد انتظامه
قديما على شمل نظيم تبددا

4. And it reconciled what was between the chests and the infants
The joining of the bodies' parts along with the handspans

٤. والف ما بين الجوانح والجوى
تألف اوصال الجزور مع المدي

5. A brother of passion for the white which makes reaching them easy
For him is meeting the white, the brunette, and the nomads

٥. أخو شغف بالبيض يسهل دونها
عليه لقاء البيض والسمر والعدى

6. When the dark nights murder the face of their intelligence
And show from the intense dark a bright full moon

٦. إذا اغتالت الظلماء وجه ذكائها
وابدت من الجوز شنفا منضدا

7. And the crescent appears as if it is, by its side,
Extending its hand towards a goblet

٧. ولاح هلال والثريا كأنها
بجانبه مدت إلى قدح يدا

8. It undertakes the awfulness of separation and the most enraged of calamities
Is more straight than the foremost of predecessors

٨. تجشم هول البيد واعتسف الفلا
على اعوجى من أولي السبق اجردا

9. It rips you with its running what is beyond wishes
So you attain today what you hope for tomorrow

٩. ينيبلك ما فوق المراد بركضه
فتدرك منه اليوم ما ترتجي غدا

10. What value do dreams have but that fate makes them flow
And suffice you to suffer delight with them and happiness

١٠. وما لاخيل إلا كالمقادير جريها
وحسبك ان تشقى بهن وتسعدا

11. And he joined to it the sincere answerer from the people of India
He did not fail you in the matter or miss the appointment

١١. وضم إليه من بني الهند صادق الأجابة
لم يخلفك في الأمر موعدا

12. A canal that competes with magic in the eyes of the beautiful
Ablaze as if I unleashed from it flaming embers

١٢. جراز يجاري السحر من اعين المها
مضاء كأني منه جردت اغيدا

13. I do not care which matter you undertook
For passionate love and fervent zeal is pleasing

١٣. ولست أبالي أي أمر ركبته
إلى الحب والولهان يستعذب الردى

14. And difficult passion is easy for one who is a lover
Except to envision in it the blamer and critic

١٤. وصعب الهوى سهل لمن كان عاشقا
سوى ان يرى فيه العذول المفندا

15. So if my own zeal fell short of my zeal
Then how many a youth with effort does not reach his goal

١٥. فأن حال جدى دون جدى عن المنى
فكم من فتى بالسعي لا يبلغ المدى

16. May God water my days with a drizzle and downpour
And its ruins - ruins - and its dwellings - the echo

١٦. سقى الله ايامي بوبلة وابلاً
واطلالها طلا وناديها الندى

17. And a life whose conclusion is in great capitals
Was not sweeter than it in time or more gentle

١٧. وعيشاً تقضى بالعواصم لم يكن
بأعذب منه في الزمان وارغدا

18. The playing of tranquility and vile adversities
And the kindling of fires and the gushing of the echo

١٨. ملاعب آرام وخيس ضراغم
وموقد نيران ومنبجس الندى

19. Chastity upon the days after you sought refuge
Chaste and a climate growing honor and glory

١٩. عفاء على الأيام بعدك متزلا
عفا ومناخاً ينبت العز والمجد

20. I mentioned blaming fate but I
Am busy praising the eminent, laudable ruler

٢٠. لهجت بذم الدهر عنه وانني
ليشغلني مدحي الرئيس محمدا

21. The progeny of the most glorious and praised
And you will never see one more generous in time or more glorious

٢١. سليل الكرام الامجدين ولن ترى
بأكرم منه في الزمان وامجدا

22. And son of the most judicious whose palms
Suffice the fate seeking aid from the echo

٢٢. ونجل أولي الجود الذين اكفهم
على الدهر يستسقى بهن من الصدى

23. He has an ambition that does not please the full moon with a dirham
Nor the sun with a dinar, nor the horizon as a seat

٢٣. له همة لا ترضي البدر درهما
ولا الشمس ديناراً ولا الافق مقعدا

24. And might, if you met him while he has no weapon
You would think he unsheathes a sharpened sword

٢٤. وبأس إذا لاقيته وهو اعزل
توهمته ينضى الصفيح المهندا

25. And his outstanding merit which returned merit among us and Ja'far
And Yahya in our religion and eternal spring

٢٥. وفضل أعاد الفضل فينا وجعفر
ويحي لدينا والربيع مخلدا

26. And compatible opinion that flaws did not resemble
From fate and opinions adorned with voice

٢٦. ورائق رأي لم تشبه شوائب
من الدهر والآراء مجلوة الصدا

27. And proof of the brilliant mind realized
That distinguishes between error and guidance

٢٧. وشاهد عقل الألمعي محقق
يميز ما بين الضلالة والهدي

28. So if the water of modesty did not dignify his face
We would fear for him from the burning intelligence

٢٨. فلو لم يجل ماء الحياء بوجهه
خشينا عليه من ذكاء توقدا

29. And if we did not aim the arrows of his glances
At people, we would think the rain stingy and very generous

٢٩. ولو لم نصب صوب الندي من بنانه
على الخلق خلنا الغيث اندي واجودا

30. You were accustomed to extending your palm naturally, and not from
Affectation - the ignoble asking the most subservient

٣٠. تعود بسط الكف طبعاً وليس من
تكلف شيئاً مثل من قد تعودا

31. So do not think that God, Glorious, is heedless
Of the aggressor and people, leaving them without consequence

٣١. فيا من نراه جحفلا من مهابة
به ونراه في الفضائل اوحدا

32. O unique in glory, resolve, and sublimity
And house of sincere clay, pillar erected

٣٢. لقد ضرنا من كان يطلب نفعنا
وأبعدنا ظلما ولو شاء أسعدا

33. Taking refuge in Him in every thought and event
And seeking His protection, polished and pure

٣٣. قريب ولكن لا قرابة بيننا
وجار ولكن جار في الحكم واعتدى

34. So days do not weaken one whose place of refuge
Is the Most High, Exalted, brought together

٣٤. واعضل داء الدهر يأس ابن حرة
كريم عداك اللؤم يسأل اعبدا

35. And the most high continue to reconcile for Mustafa
Your brother whatever laudable thing Ahmad Ahmad

٣٥. فلا تحسبن اللَه جل بغافل
عن المعتدي والناس ان يتركوا سدى

36. For you have avoided the world as goods and taken
From praise provision and from bounty a course

٣٦. ودم يا وحيد المجد والجد والعلا
وبيت الفخار المحض ركناً مشيدا

37. And you wore around necks rarities, and I do not see
A youth among you but as praise worn

٣٧. الموذ به في كل روع وحادث
ونعتده عضبا صقيلا مجردا

38. And the Eid has come to you, for you are its Eid
And the Eid of the one who was sacrificed, so dawned as sacrifice and Eid

٣٨. فما توهن الأيام من كان ملجأ
له العبيون العليون محتدا

39. Making the days of joy through it eternal for us
Even if there was no eternal day in time

٣٩. وما زالت العلياء تصفو لمصطفى
شقيقك ما شاهدت احمد احمدا

40. And it sings with it until the old sings its gifts
And revives on the breaths glory - renewed glory

٤٠. فقد عفتم الدنيا متاعاً وحزتم
من الحمد زاداً والمكارم موردا

41. That you sacrifice the cattle while for long
You have sacrificed with its cattle the darkest poverty

٤١. وقلدتم الأعناق مناً ولا أرى
فتى منكم إلا ثناءً مقلدا

42. And you did not destroy the enemies in it by might
Rather by favour that does not disappear if shown

٤٢. وقد جاءك العيد الذي أنت عيده
وعيد الذي أضحى فضحى وعيدا

43. And that harshest killing to the people of prohibition
Is to make enemies around you envious

٤٣. تؤبد ايام السرور به لنا
وان لم يكن في الدهر يوماً مؤبدا

44. And I - even if I carved into you poems
And sent them wandering with fate dispersed

٤٤. وتغنى به حتى التليد مواهبا
وتحيي على الأنفاس مجداً مجددا

45. And came with every stranger and wisdom
And brought about in them East and West singing

٤٥. وان تنحر الأنعام بيضاً فطالما
نحرت بأنعام به الفقر اسودا

46. And adorned them from your pearls with necklaces
And adorned them from your palm's pearls with bracelets

٤٦. ولم تهلك الأعداء فيه بسطوة
ولكن بفضل لا يغب إذا بدا

47. Are to the man carrying water to the sea a drop
And to fate allies, and to the full moon separation

٤٧. وان اشد القتل عند ذوي النهى
بأن تجعل الأعداء حولك حسدا