1. Is glory anything but a palm tree you are its branch?
Or excellence anything but a palm in which you imprinted its nature?
١. هل المجد إلا دوحة أنت فرعها
أو الجد إلا خلة فيك طبعها
2. Or generosity anything but blessings that scattered
So none gathered them but from your attainment.
٢. أو الجود إلا انعم قد تفرقت
فلم يلف إلا من نوالك جمعها
3. You rose proudly when the fates were humble
And the soul of the generous is virtuous in its disposition.
٣. علوت افتخاراً إذ تواضعت المورى
ونفس الكريم الأصل يحسن وضعها
4. You were nothing but the sun whose looks set
So it leaves its mirror and seeks its benefit.
٤. فما كنت إلا الشمس تعشى نواظراً
فيترك مرآها ويطلب نفعها
5. Clarity in a people who showed you a blemish
With a war that blinded the eye of the sun and muddied its springs.
٥. عفاء بقوم أظهروا لك وصمةً
بحرب لعين الشمس أرمد نقعها
6. They were the soldiers and the advisors among you
And their middle hands, so how bad was their making.
٦. هم الجند كانوا والمشيرون فيكم
وأيديهم الوسطى فلم ساء صنعها
7. They threw you in the heart of enmity and lagged behind
They shot an arrow from you taken for its feathers.
٧. رموا بك في قلب العدا وتأخروا
ارامو بوتر منك يؤخذ شفعها
8. They did not know that enemies are perishing
Hard to reach with bad planning to cut it off.
٨. وما علموا ان الأعادي مهالك
تعذر مع سوء التدابير قطعها
9. You are like the flexible bow, no defects in it
And shame is upon the archer if his source erred.
٩. وانك كالمرنان لا عيب عندها
وعار على الرامي إذا طاش نبعها
10. We saw you while the days tyrannized
With slapping the foreheads of its nights, so miserable was its slapping.
١٠. رأيناك والأيام ذا الأيدي سطوها
بسفع نواصيها وقد ساء سفعها
11. While we are hunters seeking sustenance out of hunger
And the yield of the hunter's heart criticizes you and muddies its springs.
١١. ونحن صوادٍ نطلب الري سغبا
وغلة صادى القلب يعيبك نقعها
12. You were for us pleasant water and a palm tree
That hangs its fruit and its trunk never shook.
١٢. فكنت لنا ماءً نميراً ونخلة
تسافط مجناها وما هز جذعها
13. That is why you accompanied time after its serving
And my hopes were youthful though its branch grew old.
١٣. لذاك صحبت الدهر بعد شماسه
ويافعت آمالي وقد شاب فرعها
14. And I was destined in your shelter to have
The hopes of a soul that had long felt narrowed in its scope.
١٤. والفيت حظي في ذراك مواسيا
أماني نفس طالما ضاق ذرعها
15. So I parted from my friends, relatives, and family
And how many blessings go to waste with distance that wrings its udder.
١٥. ففارقت صحبي والأقارب والحما
وكم انعمٍ يمرى على البعد ضرعها
16. And I came to you, cutting the distance in secret
And traveling the milky way when its pieces turn black.
١٦. وجبت إليك البيدا قطعها سرى
وسير الدياجي حين يسود قطعها
17. And I kept aiming at them with a cupful of arrows
We rode the fast she-camels or their coats tore up.
١٧. ولا زلت ارميها بجمع كأسهم
ركبنا الحنايا أو تمزق درعها
18. Ropes that fold over ribs
On desolation, and the distance folds it over its hillock.
١٨. ضوامر تطوي لقاء أضالعا
على سغب والبيد يطويه ظلعها
19. The night has an illumination with the flowers of its stars
Like a wedding night that lights its candles.
١٩. ولليل اشراق بزهر نجومه
كليلة اعراس توقد شمعها
20. I did not dwell in the mighty capital cities
Is there any dwelling for me but what its expanse enclosed?
٢٠. وما كنت بالسالي العواصم مسكناً
وهل سكن لي غير ما ضم ربعها
21. And I was, when I met you, like nothing I had met before
More intensely sad than an eye that sends forth its tears.
٢١. وكنت لما القى ولا شي مثله
بأجزع من عين تبادر دمعها
22. I did not mention the rest, though nights went by
Hoping that recollection will mend its crack.
٢٢. ولم اذكر البقيا بها ولياليا
تقضت عسى يلتام بالذكر صدعها
23. And a day at Fuwaiq's coast which had revealed
To my eyes a mirror increasing its gleam.
٢٣. ويوم على شاطي فويق وقد جلا
لعيني مرآة تزايد لمعها
24. And for the soft leaves among the leaves a returning melody
Sweeter than the most melodious songs' echo.
٢٤. وللورق في الأوراق لحن مرجع
واعذب من لحن الأغاريد رجعها
25. A meadow, when the morning breeze passes through its branches
Some grant the maiden her request, some deny.
٢٥. وروض إذا مرت بأغصانه الصبا
فمنهن اعطاء الفتاة ومنعها
26. As if it transmitted the secrets of its light
I imagined it where the beautiful wild cows wander securely.
٢٦. وان نقلت اخبار اسرار نوره
توهمتها حيث العذيب وسلمها
27. By the highest summit, and below it the foothill
Scenes that make the heavens weep in agony for it.
٢٧. وبالجوشن الأعلى وبالسفح دونه
مشاهد من يبكي السموات فجعها
28. We knew it would settle with tranquility on the grass
None would graze it but the heart in its grazing.
٢٨. عهدنا بهالآرام بالعشب رتعا
وما رعيها غير الفؤاد ورتعها
29. Did I not abandon company, I who remember
As the hot eye abandons its sleeping?
٢٩. ألم أهجر الجمع أنا ذاكر
كما هجر العين السخينة هجعها
30. And am content that either death or delight
Is near you, while my hopes constrain your amplitude.
٣٠. وأرضى بأن الفى المنايا أو المنى
لديك وآمالي يضيقك وسعها
31. If I, having left your door traveling,
Encounter so many harms hard to repel.
٣١. فإن أك قد فارقت بابك راحلاً
فكم من مضرات تعذر دفعها
32. And so many adversities, the young man feels too narrow to encompass
And hopes for relief only from God.
٣٢. وكم نازلات ضاق ذرعاً بها الفتى
ولا يرتجي إلا من اللَه رفعها
33. And matters that deter the soul and passion
Even if they seem ugly to disposition, are good to deter.
٣٣. ورب أمور تردع النفس والهوى
ولو قبحت للطبع يحسن ردعها
34. If the envious plot against me, I am not ignorant
That it is the scorpions' nature to sting.
٣٤. فإن سعت الحساد بي لست جاهلاً
إذاها ومن طبع العقارب لسعها
35. How many sterile butters senselessly
Undermine my stability, exhausting themselves uprooting it.
٣٥. وكم ناطح صماء من غير حاجة
يزعزع روقيه ويعييه قلعها
36. As for those things you deprived me of and gave them
They became debris, land crop and its cultivation.
٣٦. وان تلك ما احرمتنيه وهبتهم
فأضحى هشيما غرس ارضي وزرعها
37. How many clouds heavily burdened
Do not rain on the barren land, yet pour down in the fertile one.
٣٧. فرب غوادٍ مثقلات بحملها
على الجدب لا تهمي وفي الخصب همعها
38. Goodness is yours, never was I ungrateful for blessings
The religion of the best of mankind, ours it is, and its law.
٣٨. لك الخير للنعماء ما كنت كافرا
وملة خير الخلق فينا وشرعها
39. I do not equate you with anyone lowly
If your knitted mantle close to me causes me agony.
٣٩. ولست اساويك السوى ولذي النهى
انتقاد إذا داني عقيقك جزعها
40. All the beasts of the wilderness call upon one thing
Where is the ape from the lion?
٤٠. وكل وحوش القفر تدعى بواحد
وأين من القرد المماجن سبعها
41. You are in my eye the light by which I see
My guidance, and in my ear, even if far off, its hearing.
٤١. وإنك في عيني نور أرى به
هداي وفي أذني وإن غبت سمعها
42. There, without you, the songs of the temple grow silent
And inspiration is stifled in the soul and poetry in its echo.
٤٢. فدونكها تشدو بألحان معبد
ويبدي الشذا بالطرس والنفس سجعها
43. My life will continue as long as nights continue
For they reap your existence like date palms their ripening clusters.
٤٣. ودم ابداً عمر الليالي فأنها
كباسقة تجني وجودك طلعها