1. People have tried over and over,
And the most loyal have complained.
١. جرب الناس مراراً
واخبر الأوفى ذماما
2. If you grieve for what is lost,
You become grief and sorrow.
٢. فإذا صافيت ندبا
كنت ندبا وهماما
3. And if you attempt the deep sea,
You become a deep sea and a boy.
٣. وإذا حاولت غمراً
صرت غمراً وغلاما
4. And if the ignorant speak to you,
Respond with peace.
٤. وإذا خاطبك الجاهل
جهلاً قل سلاما
5. Keep patience close,
Even if life brings only water and food.
٥. واصحب الصبر وان
مج شرابا وطعاما
6. Cling to noble poverty,
And people of quality will return.
٦. والزم الياس كريما
ترد القوم الكراما
7. But I see humiliation in asking
When no words can suffice.
٧. فأرى الذل سؤالا
لم نجز فيه كلاما
8. Life is but a lodging;
So seize piety and opportunity.
٨. إنما العيش مزال
فأغنم التقوى اغتناما
9. The Merciful will have mercy
On a servant who did not pray or fast,
٩. رحم الرحمن عبدا
غير ما صلى وصاما
10. Who forsook this world completely
And was content with the next abode.
١٠. طلق الدنيا بتاتا
ورضى الأخرى مقاما