
He who strives towards the heights,

كل من جد ساعيا في معاليه

1. He who strives towards the heights,
Seeking to ascend to the highest station,

١. كل من جد ساعيا في معاليه
ليرقي إلى المقام العليِّ

2. His hands once active now lie still in barrenness,
The patron turns away from the client.

٢. وغدت راحتاه توليك في الجدب
نوال الولي بعد الولي

3. And it became as clear as day to people
That this fool's hut would remain.

٣. وبدا كاليقين تبصره الناس
بدهر عنا كشك الغبي

4. His days kept him seated in envy
That his desires were too lowly.

٤. أقعدته أيامه حسداً فيه
لتدني مطلوبه للدني

5. Like Abu Mustafa Muhammad of Nadb
The son of Qasim al-Hammoui.

٥. كأبي مصطفى محمد الندب
الأجل ابن قاسم الحموي

6. By my life, he was never kept from kindness
And virtue and the right path,

٦. ولعمري لم تقتعده عن المعروف
والفضل والصراط السوي

7. And as you know, time never stops
Being fickle, loving every fool,

٧. وكما قد علمت لا يبرح الدهر
غويا يحب كل غوي

8. And we have an example in him we can emulate
In enduring sorrow for the House of the Prophet

٨. ولنا اسوة بها نتأسى في
احتمال الأسى بآل النبي

9. It is impossible that you live with time
With reason and a comfortable life of leisure.

٩. والمحال المحال أن تصحب الدهـ
ـر بعقل وطيب عيش رخي