1. Though my beloved is far from my sight
The meaning has settled firmly in my heart
١. لئن بعدت عن ناظر الصب داره
فقد قر في قلبي المعنى قراره
2. A frightened gazelle that flees from intimacy
Yet the doe keeps its distance in her departure
٢. غزال نفار اعقب الأنس وحشة
وما الظبي إلا بعده ونفاره
3. I push her away though we both avoid meeting
For she is the full moon, veiled from visiting her abode
٣. احاشيه مع منع التلاقي من الجفا
وما هو إلا البدر ناءٍ مزاره
4. A beloved to my heart though she rejects me
If we avoid her, still her fruits are sweet to taste
٤. حبيب إلى قلبي تجنيه والهوى
إذا ما اجتناه طاب منه ثماره
5. I'm surprised that as my passion grows
So too my patience for this love increases
٥. عجبت لقلبي فيه ما ازداد لوعة
من الحب إلا زاد فيها اصطباره
6. My eyes weep not though tears flood them
Her fire rages rather than being doused
٦. ولا سحت الأجفان سحب مدامعي
لأطفائه إلا تأجج ناره
7. With my madness she's provoked and stirred up my youth
Brought my time nearer though long I've waited
٧. ومما دهاي واستثار صبابتي
وقرب لي حيني وحان انتظاره
8. A girl of my tribe chided when I confessed it:
"Doesn't shame at your passion's disgrace show?"
٨. مقال فتاة الحي لما قليتها
ألم تر عاري الحب لم يخف عاره
9. She knew not that fate is filled with woe
No keen sword but nicks its sharpening stone
٩. وما علمت أن الحوادث جمة
وأي حسام ليس ينبو غراره
10. She would not accept my excuse for loving her
Except the Lord is pardoned, though an excuse is offered
١٠. ولم ترض لي عذرا بعذري حبها
الا ربي معذور رماه اعتذاره
11. She blamed the nights that scorn me in their darkness
One time's scorn diminishes glory and repute
١١. لام الليالي تزدريني بخطبها
ومن يزدريه الدهر يبلى وقاره
12. Whoever is tyrannized by fate's injustices
Finds even kinsmen and neighbors keep their distance
١٢. ومن جاورته النائبات بجورها
تباعد عنه الأقربون وجاره
13. My friend, though worldly things have distracted you
I've no use for a time that won't last
١٣. خليلي ما تولى الدنا تسترده
ومالي بدهر لم يدم مستعاره
14. I'll be patient, for days hold sorrow and joy
The bright full moon may follow darkness
١٤. سأصبر فالأيام بؤس ونعمة
وقد يعقب البدر المنير سراره
15. I will cling to the hopes of Emir Muhammad
That he will sate, give drink and shower them
١٥. وأصحب آمالي الأمير محمداً
ليروي صداها وبله وانهماره
16. Truly a doer and seeker of glory and excellence
Good fruits come from one who does good
١٦. ميرزكا فعلا ومجداً ومحتدا
ومن أثمر المعروف طاب نجاره
17. He answers before being called, his blessings overflowing
Coming to you without waiting, fresh and abundant
١٧. يلبيك من قبل السؤال نواله
ويأتيك دون الانتظار نضاره
18. He competes with cloudbursts in his generosity
His pride surpasses the glorious
١٨. يجاري الغوادي المثقلات سماحه
ويعلو على أهل المعالي افتخاره
19. He purposefully stills the dew then spreads it in praise
For good deeds only expand when dead
١٩. يميت الندى عمداً فينشره الثنا
وما ميتة المعروف إلا انتشاره
20. The prosperous tremble in delight when asked by him
His domain revolves around their comfort
٢٠. ويهتز المعافين حين سؤالهم
سروراً وما دارت عليه عقاره
21. When the valiant witness his swords they stand down
Like flashes and swirls stirring up no dust
٢١. إذا شهد الهيجاء خلت حسامه
وميضاًوسحبا ما يثير غباره
22. Upon him the generous hearts pour out their contents
As the fortunate heart pours its edges
٢٢. تضم عليه السابغات جيوبها
كما ضم للحظ الصحيح شفاره
23. He unleashes a star of piercing arrows from his bow
Burning the enemy's wickedness with its sparks
٢٣. ويرسل نجم الرجم من سهم قوسه
فيحرق شيطان الأعادي شراره
24. The people's polestar in excellence throughout the world
Their orbit of kindness encompasses all directions
٢٤. من القوم هم قطب المعالي من الورى
لهم فلك الأحسان عم مداره
25. When gathering good among people like a sanctuary
His pulpit is their generosity, his minaret their excellence
٢٥. إذا مثل المعروف في الناس جامعاً
فمنبره من جودهم ومناره
26. They appear to those on high as mansions, and in the dew
As oceans, when kindness makes the seas rage
٢٦. تراءوا من العليا بدوراً وفي الندى
بحوراً إذا ما الجود غاضت بحاره
27. When I witnessed that generosity exists in them
With no goodness left in the days but refusal
٢٧. ولما شهدت الجود يوجد فيهم
ولم يبق في الأيام إلا ادكاره
28. You who in time, O son of Ali, are pledged
To fertile glory among its regions
٢٨. وأنت الذي في الدهر يا ابن عليه
كفيل بخصب المجد بين بداره
29. I deserted even kin, loving you
Take my hand, for fate has been unkind
٢٩. هجرت إليك الأقربين محبة
فخذ بيدي فالدهر ساء عثاره
30. I hope for the life of ease in your company, now that
Its ascent and descent have worn me down
٣٠. ارجي اصطحاب العيش عندك آمنا
وقد راعني اصعاده وانحداره
31. That I may rise to sublime, lofty glory, and whoever
Rises in your strength, his strength and triumph rise too
٣١. لأسمو إلى المجد الرفيع ومن سما
بعزك سامٍ عزه وانتصاره
32. Your father who ruled time and its people
The great and small submitted to his lofty domain
٣٢. أبوك الذي ساد الزمان وأهله
ودانت لدى علياه صغراً كباره
33. He adorned himself with forbearance in time and wisdom
From which his severity and tenderness both came
٣٣. تحلى بحلم في الزمان وحكمة
يهجن منها قسه ونزاره
34. He left, having made you ample stores for the world
No noble person dies if you remain his treasure
٣٤. وراح وقد ابقاك ذخرا من الورى
وما مات ذو فضل وأنت ادخاره
35. Nor were his days cut short, you being his branch
No day in time damaged its structure
٣٥. ولا قصرت أيام من كنت فرعه
ولا انقض يوماً في الزمان جداره
36. His party members and virtuous ways were not wronged
The captive was not lost, nor vengeance unpaid
٣٦. ولا ظلمت أشياعه وعفاته
ولا الضاع مأسوراً ولا ضاع ثاره
37. Give life, O eye of time, O guide of the world, rightly guided
And secure, your time's kin near you sheltered
٣٧. فدم يا لعين الدهر والهادي للورى
رشيداً ومأمون الزمان جواره
38. Without you, poetry's themes are meaningless, though time
Adorns itself with them like day's pearls
٣٨. ودونك غراء القوافي إذا اكتسى
بها الدهر حلى بالدراري نهاره
39. When the breeze relates them, heated with passion
Their allure sways gently through its fragrance
٣٩. إذا راح يرويها النسيم من الحمى
تهادي شذاها رنده وعراره
40. Your gifts of them poured as a shower without cease
Their growth lush, their light and springtide spread
٤٠. لقد أمطرتها ديمة من نوالكم
فوشى رباها نوره وبهاره
41. Your excellent praise adorned them as necklaces
Of glistening verse and scattering pearls
٤١. وحلى علاك الحمد منها قلائداً
من الدر يجلو نظمه ونثاره
42. You remain famed for your virtues throughout the world
Repute alone makes virtue shine
٤٢. فلا زلت مشهور الفضائل في الورى
وليس يزين الفضل إلا اشتهاره