
The orchard has flourished beautifully,

وروضة طاب بها المحل

1. The orchard has flourished beautifully,
Beyond its fences cultivated by skillful hands,

١. وروضة طاب بها المحل
عدا أفانين رُباها المحل

2. Its air is tender and its shade delicate,
Unless a downpour rains on it, making it drip.

٢. رق الهوا فيها وراق الظل
ان لم يصبها وابل فطل

3. It refreshes us with a brooklet of saplings,
As if they were molded from soft clay,

٣. تتحفنا بجدول بنسل
كأنه من اللجين صل

4. Their breeze wraps them in a splendid dress,
Traced with the marks of polishing.

٤. ألبسه نسيمها المعتل
مسرودة أثر فيها الصقل

5. The twigs of the acacia tree sway,
Fearing for its blossoms like the arrows of heroes.

٥. خوف فروع البان إذ تقل
لزهارها كما براش النبل

6. And the hidden secret and the green jewelry are bejeweled,
Bending branches over branches rising high.

٦. والسر ومخضر الحلى مخضل
يثني قدوداً عن شبيه تعلو

7. As if the breeze gently caresses their curves,
Curling the locks over their foreheads.

٧. كأنما النسيم منها يجلو
عطفاً على اعلاه جعد جثل

8. While the soft narcissus it waters with rain,
Gaze at us with tender eyes.

٨. والنرجس الغض سقاه الوبل
تلحظنا منه عيون نجل

9. The eyes of the anemone, red like scratches,
From the kohl of their blackness.

٩. واعين الشقيق حمر شهل
من رمد سوادهن الكحل

10. And for spring an army has descended,
With steeds and men fully armed.

١٠. وللربيع عسكر قد حلوا
بعسجد فرسانه والرجل

11. The nightingale in the branches recites,
That happiness is ignorance and folly,

١١. والعندليب في الغصون يتلو
ان السرور صبوة وجهل

12. While reason is shackles for the youth with sense.
Yet everything sweet is pleasurable to taste.

١٢. والعقل قيد للفتى وعقل
وكلما مر بلهو يحلو

13. Their morning caravan moves gently,
None among them except the noble youth,

١٣. باكرتها برفقة قد جلوا
ما منهم إلا الفتى الأجل

14. From every vinegar jar a refined date,
And no disorder or confusion among us.

١٤. من كل خل ماجد ما نخلة
وليس فينا خلل وختل

15. Our existence is most delightful, not miserable,
Our number greatest, not least,

١٥. وجودنا الألذ لا الأذل
وجودنا الأكثر لا الأقل

16. Our wine coveted, and our food,
Our drink craved, and our camel mounts prized.

١٦. وخمرنا ما يقتنى والأكل
وشربنا ما يشتهي والنقل

17. Our poetry excels in every genre,
And excellence in company cannot bore.

١٧. ولفظنا في كل نوع فضل
والفضل في العشرة لا يمل

18. As if we and the stars are equal,
United under one cloak.

١٨. كأننات وما بنا عتل
يجمعنا مع النجوم شمل

19. The doe-eyed gazelle, shapely of form,
As if clad in a robe of ants.

١٩. وذي عذار راق منه الشكل
كأنما دبت بورد نمل

20. It fulfills what it promises,
While promise is work for the beautiful gazelle.

٢٠. أنجز ما أخلف منه المطل
والمطل للغيد الحسان شغل

21. With a soft voice wherein is magic,
Not Mayya nor Bahitha nor Jamal,

٢١. ساقٍ رخيم الصوت فيه دل
مامي ما بثينة ما جمل

22. It bestows union, beginning it with reluctance,
And separation succeeds union, which is more pleasurable.

٢٢. يمنح وصلا يبتديه بخل
والهجر عقباه يلذ الوصل

23. With its cup and lips it prohibits,
Its prohibitions intoxicate us, and its permissions exhilarate.

٢٣. بكأسه وثغره نعل
حرامه يسكرنا والحل

24. It visited while the nights are leisurely,
And morning in the lap of darkness a babe.

٢٤. زار واجياد الليالي عطل
والصبح في حجر الظلام طفل

25. The horizon where dawn rises recites,
Of an army from the west that attacked and were routed.

٢٥. وأشهب المشرق جد يتلو
من عسكر المغرب دهما فلّوا

26. As if it were a torrent poured from the clouds,
And the Pleiades find rest that makes them supernova.

٢٦. ومن سهاها الجسم مضمحل
كأنه صب براه العذل

27. The moon in its course is afflicted with weariness,
And the lightning stripped of its blades,

٢٧. وللثريا راحة تُشل
والبدر في السير اعتراه الكل

28. Sheathing and unsheathing in turns,
While the breeze spreads its veils,

٢٨. والبرق قد جُرد منه نصل
يغمده وتارة يُسل

29. As if it were a messenger to the clouds,
It brought generosity, and generosity from it poured.

٢٩. وللصبا نشر روته السبل
كأنها ممن احب رسل

30. The star Aldebaran, glorious son of the Yemen,
Noble branch of a blessed origin.

٣٠. كأنما صوب الغمام بذل
جاد به والجود منه هطل

31. Al-Shihab Ibrahim, who can equal him?
None can equal his likeness.

٣١. نجل أبي اليمن ونعم النجل
فرع زكي طاب منه الأصل

32. In his munificence his spirit finds peace,
In it the spring secretly flourishes, and grace abounds.

٣٢. الشهم إبراهيم من يجل
عن شبه وما لمثل مثل

33. He does not fail those who seek his support,
He gives generously and lightens the burden.

٣٣. راحته بجوده تنهل
فيها الربيع كامن والفضل

34. The soul is a she-camel and hope her load,
Refusal brings sadness, giving makes easy.

٣٤. ما اغتال راجيه عنا وغل
يعطي ثقيلا ويخفف الثقل

35. Of a company that from right guidance did not stray,
And family worthy of every grace.

٣٥. نفس الرجاء ناقة وحمل
والمنع حزن والعطاء سهل

36. The least of them in trials is mature,
And some with power are heroes.

٣٦. من معشر عن الهدى ما ضلوا
وأسرة لكل فضل أهل

37. More glorious than one who stubbornly disobeys you,
And better than one whose mind and test you know.

٣٧. اصغرهم في الاختبار كهل
وبعضهم بالاقتدار كُل

38. They are the lofty ones without deficiency,
Their glory immense and their bounty abundant.

٣٨. أجل من تُحدى إليك بُزل
وخير من تخبرهم وتبلو

39. O you who pleases with his seriousness and jest,
Who surpasses in word and deed,

٣٩. هم الألى ليس لديهم خدل
الجاه جم والنوال جزل

40. In whose hands the wealthy submit,
And the knot of every difficulty he loosens.

٤٠. يا من يروق جده والهزل
ومن يفوق قوله والفعل

41. And one who seeks refuge in his shade is safe,
Though fate decrees misfortune and ordeals.

٤١. ومن بأيديه الغني يحل
وعقد كل عسرة يُحل

42. And one whose exceeding generosity makes redundant,
Never can pebbles and sand fully count his bounty.

٤٢. ومن يأمن منه يستظل
نضو هزيل بالخطوب شلو

43. To you this prayer from before,
A profound love that does not diminish,

٤٣. ومن بحصر فضله نكل
هيهات ان يحصى الحصى والرمل

44. What is its matter? Madness has seized it and confusion,
Aamer and Zaahil are baffled by it.

٤٤. إليكها داعية من قبل
محبة علياك ليست تسلو

45. Its enemies lie despised through its cheapness,
While the punished by its fire is humiliated.

٤٥. ما شأنها خبن بها وخبل
تذهل منها عامر وذهل

46. Yet he is deaf to it and blind,
His remedy is its poison and delay.

٤٦. حسودها برخصها وتغلو
معذب بنارها يذل

47. Though it be a paradise for companions to settle,
Its bliss for its brethren and family.

٤٧. وهو بأصغاء لها يغل
شرابه غسلينها والمُهل

48. So submit yourself to the justice of the Master,
Whose word in judgment is conclusive.

٤٨. مع انها جنة انس حلوا
نعيمها إخوانها والخل

49. It falls short of Sirius or lessens,
The decree of the rooster and fate.

٤٩. فاسلم ودم مولى حلاه العدل
وقوله في الحكم قول فصل

50. So you own the world and these people,
O noble scions of lofty fathers.

٥٠. يقصر من سرمين أو يقل
قضاء هالديك والسجل

51. Though time and days conspire,
You remain its attainment and elevation,

٥١. فدونك الدنيا وهذا النسل
يا نسل ضرغام العلا يا شبل

52. You are doom for the enemy and death,
And in the eyes of your enviers, arrows.

٥٢. والدهر والأيام ان يعتلوا
فأنت منها نهل وعل

٥٣. وأنت حتف للعدا وقتل
وفي عيون حاسديك سبل