1. I yearn for you from this time that oppresses me
And from the terraces of the prominent, its joy
١. أشاقك من هذا الرديني قده
ومن صفحات المشرفي فرنده
2. And from the plains of the favorites, the restless
I swayed to it like a child who stirs his cradle
٢. ومن صهوات المقربات تقلقل
هدوت به كالطفل حرك مهده
3. And from the flirtations of the enchantresses and their cheeks
Clouds rumbling thunder in response to longing's call
٣. ومن لهوات الواخدات وشدقها
لغام بُغامٍ يزجي السحب رعده
4. And from the moles on the face, how difficult are the situations
In which the master of the people makes light of his servant
٤. ومن كالحات الوجه ضنك مواقف
يسفه فيها سيد القوم عبده
5. And from the open mouths, amid their sweetness
As a blossom opens among the roses and their buds
٥. ومن فاغرات الفم ضمن دلاصها
كما افتر في صاف من الورد ورده
6. And from the expanses of the earth, your coat of mail
Protects me from misfortunes, they cannot harm me
٦. ومن فلوات الأرض درعك فدفدا
يقيني بالنكباء ليست تحده
7. And from your gait, an ocean, when it rages
Its foam disappears, and its depths revealed
٧. ومن حالكات الأدم بحر إذا طما
طفا دره الزاهي واورى زنده
8. So the enemies barred my way on the paths of desire
And without them, the paths of desire banished me
٨. فلكفتني الأساد في طرق المني
ومن دونه طرق المنى لي وطرده
9. And the burden of nights carried me, and so
My lover's abandonment weighed heavily on me
٩. وحملتني عبء الليالي وانني
ليثقلني هجر الحبيب وصده
10. God protect you, O my heart, however headstrong
And so too, my passion, though blameworthy in its fervor
١٠. لك اللَه يا قلبي إلى م تعسفا
وحتام يا جدى عثاراً وجده
11. Has not the time come to awaken from this age
And erase the misguidance, giving wisdom its due?
١١. ألم يأن من هذا الزمان افاقة
وما آن أن يمحو الضلالة رشده
12. Each day my longing for your distance grows
Adding anxiety to an emaciated, sleepless form
١٢. أفي كل يوم لي على البعد همة
يضام لها خلى وتأرق جرده
13. And between my ribs are goals
For which the expanse of space is too confining
١٣. وما بين اثناء الضلوع مآرب
يضيق بها غور الفضاء ونجده
14. The foolish think me inactive
Though their words do their effort injustice
١٤. يظن غبي القوم إني خامل
ويجهد في أقواله ساء جهده
15. As long as my resolve, prudence and virtue remain
In every land, I have a friend I can turn to
١٥. وما دام لي عزمي وحزمي وعفتي
ففي كل ارض لي صديق اوده
16. May God protect the one I left, not out of boredom
But by fate's decree, which no king can alter
١٦. رعا اللَه من فارقت لا عن ملالة
ورب قضاء ليس بملك رده
17. They stayed, and we traveled, for passion is uncertain
They did not notice until our ties were severed
١٧. أقاموا وسرنا والغرام مظنة
فما فطنوا حتى تأكد وقده
18. I bid them farewell, tears flowing unrestrained
When we parted, the blossoms withered and faded
١٨. وودعتهم والدمع ينزو جمامه
فلما تفرقنا تأجن ورده
19. My loved ones, the heart is ruled by tenderness of love
And longing has conquered my eyelids and deprived them of sleep
١٩. أحباي إن القلب ملك رقه المحبة
واستولى على الجفن سهده
20. Is there any way to draw near when I cannot see
One more weary than I, suffering in separation?
٢٠. فهل من سبيل للدنو فما أرى
بأتعب من عانٍ يعنيه بعده
21. I do not despair of this estrangement
So my Lord, fulfill the promise, its time has come
٢١. ولست على هذا التنائي بآيس
فيا رب انجازٍ تقادم عهده
22. I pledged to the nights they would not remain unchanged
What era does not change its promise?
٢٢. عهدت الليالي لا تدوم بحالةٍ
واي زمان ما تغير عهده
23. And in the poison of this time is my antidote
Sweet is that which absorbs it, and in it dissolves its bitterness
٢٣. ومن شام هذا الدهر شيمي وذافه
حلا صابه وانمج في فيه شهده
24. How many have gained though not seeking
And how many, striving tirelessly, see efforts fail
٢٤. فكم كاسب فيه وليس بطالب
وساعٍ له بالكد خيب كده
25. Indifferent is he from whom it is withheld or attained
If what is yours is not yours to reclaim
٢٥. وسيان منع من يديه ونائل
إذا كان ما يوليك ما يسترده
26. May God soon turn the violent tide of fate
So our hopes overtake it and block its path
٢٦. عسى اللَه يثني جامح الحظ مرةً
لتدركه آمالنا فتصده
27. And the terrors of events become secure
Through one whose generosity embraced all people in its glory
٢٧. واصبح من روع الحوادث آمنا
بمن جوده عم الأنام ومجده
28. For how often have I gained at his hands favors
That dazzle the world and provide succor to supplicants
٢٨. فيا طالما خصصت منه بنائل
يعيي الورى والوفد بالوفر رفده
29. He is the glorious ruler, the sword of his people, Mohammed
And who but the sword sheathes the praises sung in his honor?
٢٩. هو الماجد السيفي الأمير محمد
ومن هو سيف والمحامد غمده
30. He has prepared the means to attain his ambitions
So grateful thanks and praise are obligatory upon us
٣٠. قد استن اسباب اللها شغفا لها
فها شكره فرض علينا وحمده
31. A noble soul, though the clouds withhold their rain
Clement, even if rancor takes hold of the heart
٣١. كريم إذا ضن السحاب بقطرة
حليم ان استولى على القلب حقده
32. Valiant, with each day he hunts prey
The least of which is the master of chieftains and lions
٣٢. شجاع له في كل يوم فريسة
وأصغرها سيد الأكام وأسده
33. When he leads an army, the light of his brow
Is the crescent, and the stars his troops
٣٣. إذا أم جيشا خلت نور جبينه
هلالا وأسراب الكواكب جنده
34. I have recounted the many virtues of my protector
But virtue is only what enemies acknowledge
٣٤. لقد عددت منه الأعادي فضائلا
وما الفضل الاما الأعادي تعده
35. And I have witnessed from him, gifts to the refugees
That they grasp with both hands, continuously drawing from him
٣٥. وقد شهدت منه الغوادي مواهبا
فحزت على راحاته تستمده
36. O son of one who, if era is reckoned, matches its time
You my master, are singular in your time
٣٦. فيا ابن الذي ان عد فرد زمانه
فأنك يا مولاي اوهو فرده
37. O son of one whose enemies, though numerous
Were confined because of you, and not you by them
٣٧. ويا ابنالذي ضاق الفلا بعدوه
لكونك في الدنيا وما ضاق لحده
38. O you who was opposed by enemies wishing
I have not seen one made an enemy by his own wish
٣٨. ويا من اتاه الضد بالرغم راجيا
ولم ار من شخص برجيه ضده
39. O uncommanded, O best commander
Fate does not please you, but you direct its aim
٣٩. ويا غير مأمور ويا خير آمر
مُر الدهر ما ترضى فقصدك قصده
40. O bringer of glad tidings, by your chastity
Seeking tests you not, nor does praising you please
٤٠. ويا بشراً من بشره لعفاته
سؤال فما بشر المعنى وهنده
41. Your bliss is this feast of which you are its joy
Your fortune this day of which you are its luck
٤١. هناؤك بالعيد الذي أنت عيده
وسعدك باليوم الذي أنت سعده
42. And as long as you remain, nothing compares
Each day that passes I see as a feast to come
٤٢. وما دمت لا دامت عداك مخلداً
أرى كل يوم مر عيداً اعده
43. And here she comes, shortening her steps shyly
As longing and love for you redden her cheeks
٤٣. وهاك فقد جاءت تقصر خطوها
حياءً ويزجيها من الشوق وخده
44. In it what tenderness remains of our deepest passions
And the youth is tested when love grips the heart
٤٤. بها ما بنا من شدة الوجد رقةً
ويبلى الفتى ما حالف القلب وجده
45. I made for it a wire to conduct its currents
And composed it while night scattered its pearls
٤٥. جعلت لها سلكاً لرصف جمانها
فنظمتها والليل بدد عقده
46. We hope for pardon for meanings that deceive
And one like you sees through pretense and falsity
٤٦. نرجى سماحاً عن معان تزيفها
ومثلك لا يخفى على الزيف نقده
47. So accept it from me, my patron, though it
Results from anger whose sharpness overwhelms
٤٧. فهبها قبولاً منك مولاي انها
نتيجة عضب قد تكهم حده
48. And always seek and fear, for one given favor, his gifts wane
Generous to him, and accustomed gifts to give
٤٨. ودم أبداً ترجى وتخشى لعادمٍ
تهاديه إحسانا وعادٍ تهده
49. Eternity, if a star emerges or hides
What remains is the scent of ambergris and basil
٤٩. مدى الدهر ان لاح نجم وما خفى
وما فاح نوار العذيب ورنده
50. And what rain descends from the clouds' eyelids, bestowing
Life to the ground's cheeks, marking them
٥٠. وما انهل من جفن السحاب حياً على
محيا الثرى سحا فحدد خده
51. You are, in this age, its exemplar
And the loss of an exemplar is painful to bear
٥١. فأنك من ذا الدهر انسان عينه
وانسان عين الشيء يؤلم فقده