1. And she asks, why do you not satirize the one who satirized you?
So I said to her, "Ignoring the vile one leaves him be."
١. وقائلة لم لا هجوت الذي هجا
فقلت لها هجر اللئيم بتركه
2. Indeed, his satire's fire illuminates him more
Than my satirizing him illuminates me.
٢. هي انه اورى من الهجو ناره
لسبكي فما ذم النضار لسبكه
3. It bleeds my soul and tests my true mettle.
The coin knows not its worth sans the furnace.
٣. نزيف في نقدي واخلص معدني
ولا يعرف الدنيار دون محكه
4. And I emulate Al-Hashimi when he was satirized
For his asceticism in news and devotion.
٤. ولي اسوة بالهاشمي وقد هجى
على زهده في الأنباء ونسكه
5. I keep my poetry free of the baseness of his worth,
And purify my faith from the filth of his doubts.
٥. أنزه شعري عن دناءة قدره
وأنقى يقيني من دناسة شكه
6. And my people know, O Buthaina, and her people,
My truthfulness in this discourse and its precision.
٦. وقومي ادري يا بثين وقومه
بصدقي في هذال المقال وافكه
7. As for the slanderer wandering confusedly in calumny,
And the glory of the envious in my tough circumstances,
٧. اما ومجر الزاغبية في الوغى
ومجد المذاكي في مجالي بضنكه
8. And the outstretched arm of the proud one, as if
Gesturing disdainfully at my exposure.
٨. ومد ذراع المشرفي كأنه
يشير إلى صوني احتقاراً لهتكه
9. And the hurling of shooting stars from Kanaan's stars
At one eavesdropping, to bring about his ruin.
٩. ومهوى رجوم من نجوم كنانة
لمسترق سمعاً تخر بهلكه
10. And the casting of enemy crowds, one after another,
With resolve that bloodies the fates with their havoc.
١٠. وملقي الأعادي جحفلا بعد جحفل
بعزم افت النائبات بفتكه
11. And your love that I've woven from my heart, O passionately obsessed,
Languishing with love, worn down in yearning for you.
١١. وحبيك من قلبي ألية مغرم
عليل هوى مضنى عليك بنهكه
12. It wrestles however much your necklace sheds tears,
And ends up emaciated, with longing like wire.
١٢. يغالب مهما لحت عقدك دمعه
ويمسي اشتياقا في النحول كسلكه
13. If I were one who approves of blameworthy traits,
And desires to slap the lowly and obey them,
١٣. لو اني من يرضى المثالب خطة
ويرغب في صفع الدني وحكه
14. I would have gained favors from them unmatched,
When the new moon of misfortune waxed at its peak.
١٤. لنلت منالاً منه ما نال بعضه
إذا ما طغا اليم المغم بفلكه
15. But I have the forbearance of Ibn Qais and his shrewdness,
And the wisdom of Solomon and the pride of his kingdom.
١٥. ولكن لي حلم ابن قيس وحذقه
وفهم سليمانٍ وعزة ملكه