
My inward parts lamented and wept the day of parting

شكت شجي وبكت يوم النوى شجنا

1. My inward parts lamented and wept the day of parting
So I let the pearls of my soul flow freely without price

١. شكت شجي وبكت يوم النوى شجنا
فأرخصت من نفيس الدر ما ثمنا

2. And I was distressed at saying farewell, then said
I entrust my heart to God after those who have hurt me

٢. وأشفقت من وداعي ثم قائلة
استودع اللَه قلبي إثر من ظعنا

3. A houri who turns with sleepy eyelids
She had not used kohl except for the dawn and evening

٣. حوراء ترنو بأجفان مسهدة
لم تكتحل قبل إلا السحر والوسنا

4. And separation - woe to me from its pangs
Rest does not cure the disease that has spoiled the body

٤. والبين اوهى لها مني لواعجه
لا يصلح الرود داء افسد البدنا

5. O you, I am still perturbed by time
So I see in it neither peace nor rest

٥. يا هذه لا ازال الدهر مضطرباً
فلا سكوناً أرى فيه ولا سكنا

6. And the sand grouses do not cease strutting around me
Sometimes towards Syria and sometimes towards Yemen

٦. والأرحبيات لا تنفك ترفل بي
طوراً شآما وطوراً تغتدي يمنا

7. Woe to desires - how miserable I am with them and I see
The young man tested by the unattainability of things

٧. ويح المطالب كم أشقى بها وأرى
الفتى بممتنع الأشياء ممتحنا

8. Thirst made our nights in that time long
A life that was smooth and a life that was rough

٨. سقى الحمى وليالينا به زمنا
حيا ملثٌ وحيا ذلك الزمنا

9. When thirst was a meadow of singing, morning did not come
Except with cheeks as branches and cheeks as flowers

٩. إذا الحمي روضة غناء ما صبحت
الا القدود غصونا والخدود جنا

10. And life was sweeter than your cup of love
Sprinkled - your cheeks resembled the new moon

١٠. والعيش اعذب من كأس حباك به
رشا تشابه خديه صفا وسنا

11. Sweet in taste and its worries were not sweet
And bitter not granting favors or trials

١١. حلا مذاقاً ولم تحلوغوائله
ومر لا منحاً ابقى ولا محنا

12. And he said about time - who can describe its turns
Except one who drinks the cup of death from it

١٢. وقل في الدهر من تصفو موارده
الا تجرع منها الآسن الأجنا

13. It is a carrier that does not respond to its rider
The swimmer lost his way at dawn in its midst

١٣. ومهمهٍ غير منجاب لراكبه
ضل الغطاط ضحى في جوزه السننا

14. It tossed from the family into its depths and flooded over
A sea we sailed its ships upon

١٤. طفا من الآل في قيعانه وطغى
بحر ركبنا المطايا فوقه سفنا

15. And we were in fear until we reached
Safety, security, faith and bounty

١٥. ونحن في رهب حتى بلغن بنا
الأمان والأمن والأيمان والمننا

16. Where dew does not conceal in its flowing
And does your outstretched hand conceal?

١٦. حيث الندى لا يوارى في تسرعه
وهل توارى يداك العارض الهتنا

17. And forbearance until the obedient think
That honey is for him from those who disobeyed

١٧. والحلم حتى يظن الطائعون له
ان المبر لديه من عصى وجني

18. And nothing prevents you from a land you decide to devastate
The son of Sword-brandishing woman, that you will not conquer me

١٨. وما يصدك في ارص يحل بها
نجل ابن سيفاء ان لا تظفرن بمنى

19. And I am not limited in the territory of one whose craftsmanship
Is the perfume of Sanaa, Akkar or Aden

١٩. ولست احصر في قطر صنائع من
ابر صنعاء من عكار أو عدنا

20. His light is not hidden and his praise is not hidden
The people of greatness knew after imprisonment

٢٠. يخفى نداه ولا تخفى محامده
عرف الألوة مطاوق وان سجنا

21. I am detached from this world and its ignorant ones
For us - and forgive one who shed our blood

٢١. ابر من هذه الدنيا بجاهلها
لنا واسمح من صب بكى الدمنا

22. No fault if fault was found in his light except
That I forgot family and homeland through it

٢٢. لا عيب ان كان عيب في نداه سوى
اني به قد نسيت الأهل والوطنا

23. My Master O son of Ali - glory preceded you
With it - deeds of Ismael and Al-Hassan

٢٣. مولاي يا ابن علي المجد من سبقت
به سجاياه اسمعيل والحسنا

24. If time kept me from you without reins
Then time betrays man however much he feels safe from it

٢٤. ان صدني عنك دهر لا زمام له
فالدهر يغدر بالأنسان ما أمنا

25. And if I hoped for help from others in ignorance without loyalty
Those who worship idols have preceded me

٢٥. وان رجوت السوى جهلا بلا صلةٍ
فقد تقدمني من يعبد الوثنا

26. And I am not ungrateful for the blessings I was granted
Which follow each other even if time disappears

٢٦. ولست اكفر ما اوليت من نعم
تترى وتبقى وان غال الزمان فنا

27. So everyone who disbelieves in blessings, they will perish him
Unless it was a gown, it would have been his shroud

٢٧. فكل من يكفر النعماء تهلكه
ان لم تكن حلة كانت له كفنا

28. I ransom the times for you, rather its people made it live, so live through it
And your enviers - so they are in illness and fury

٢٨. فداً لك الدهر بل أهلوه وابق به
وحاسدوك فهم في علةٍ وعنا

29. So if I kill an illness that has no cure
A heart that harbors hatred and sorrows

٢٩. فأن اقتل داء لا دواء له
قلب يضم به الشحناء والأحنا

30. Do they deny you days you dominated over enemies
Or established religious duties and traditions?

٣٠. هل يجحدونك اياماً علوت بها
على العدا أو اقمت الفرض والسننا

31. Your hands belittle hopes and they are
Deluded by it, and seize lifespans and they are deceived

٣١. يداك تحتقر الآمال وهي لهي
فيها وتعتقل الآجال وهي قنا

32. And you advance the fierce regiments that
Damascus was too narrow for, so how can grief not grieve?

٣٢. وتقدم الفيلق الجرار ضاق به
دمث فكيف يلام الحزن ان حزنا

33. He who encounters its tribulations is miserable by it
As if he is the one who carved and sculpted it

٣٣. يشقى به كل من يلقي عوامله
كأنه الصب من اعطافها افتتنا

34. A war like the war of nights with no weapons
So the brave in it are like the cowards

٣٤. حرب كحرب الليالي لا سجال به
فذو الشجاعة فيه مثل من جبنا

35. The wise fear you in what you plot
Against the enemies and the ignorant when he wakes up

٣٥. يخشاك ذو اللب فيما أنت تضمره
من العدى وأخو جهل إذا فطنا

36. And death has not met what it has not met its doom
It and the soothsayers anticipate misfortunes from astrologers

٣٦. والغمر لم يلق ما لم يلق مصرعه
هما ويرتقب العلات من كهنا

37. I have abandoned everyone whose loyalty
Does not last - the udder is not abandoned unless the milk is spoiled

٣٧. هجرت الاك من تبلي مودته
لا يهجر الضرع ما لم يفسد اللبنا

38. I took refuge in you - far from you are those
Whose innermost thoughts, if revealed, are seen

٣٨. بورحت حاشاك عمن في ضمائره
ترى السريرة ان اودعتها علنا

39. So blood is shed, the times' antidotes have
Placed your hands here in the abyss of the world

٣٩. فدم تدم بر ادواء الزمان فقد
وضعت في نقب الدنيا يديك هنا

40. And here you bear the burdens of praise and I do not
Think one who drove them back in praise rebelled

٤٠. وهاك تحمل اثقال الثناء وما
أظن من صدها في حمدها وثنا

41. An inkling from the reflections of thought swimming
Bare, accompanied by neither adornment nor tradition

٤١. طُمرةً من مذاكي الفكر سابحة
جرداء ما صحبت حلاً ولا رسنا