1. The abode of glory is ignoble without faith,
And the shade of prohibition is base without an ignorant rustic.
١. محل العلا لولا الدني شريف
وظل النهى لولا الغبي وريف
2. And love of the world debases one to humiliation,
And inclines with the inclination of honour while it is fickle.
٢. وحب الدنا يدني إلى الذل دله
ويعطف عطف العز وهو غروف
3. The pillar of guidance has weak pillars, feeble,
If swords of hands do not strengthen it.
٣. وركن الهدى واهي الدعائم واهن
إذا لم تشده بالأكف سيوف
4. And he who hopes for harm will not feel safe in his heart,
Nor will the frightening thing that wards it off frighten him.
٤. وراجي العدا لم يدخل الأمن من قلبه
ولما يذدد عنه المخوف مخيف
5. And to wrap up glory brought forth a sea of worries,
And his ambition floats on it and roams around.
٥. وطي الفلا اجرى بحر همومه
وهمته تطفو به وتطوف
6. And attaining pleasure without realizing the resolve
Of an unassailable position not to be desired.
٦. ونيل السها عن غير ادراك حازم
منيع مقام لا يرام منيف
7. And the soul of wishes through lamenting seeks to draw nearer to the beloved,
Though to draw nearer is distant and winding.
٧. ونفس المنى بالندب تستقرب المدا
وان طال تقريب لها ووجيف
8. You see it has a strong inclination towards ruin,
When fortune has abandoned it and it is weak.
٨. ترى للردى جأشاً قوياً على الردى
وقد راح عنها الحظ وهو ضعيف
9. And he whom the glory of a noble soul has burdened
The least destined for him is skulls.
٩. ومن كلفته المجد نفس أبية
فأهون محتوم عليه حتوف
10. My friend, to prefer hope is misleading,
And the intellect of my brother - the distant goal - is foolish.
١٠. خليلي تقديم التوقي مضلة
وعقل أخي المرمى البعيد سخيف
11. It contemplates the schemes of fate in its time,
And overpowers destinies for it with twists and turns.
١١. يروم تصاريف المقادير دهره
وتغلب أقدار له وصروف
12. It is the house for as long as it is for the house, or if
Spirits were attributed to it, then they are guests.
١٢. هي الدار ما دامت لدار أو ان تكن
أضيفت لها الأشباح فهي ضيوف
13. May God water a land with downpours that He has watered
For its memories my cheek's tears which are pouring.
١٣. سقي اللَه ربعاً بالعواصم ما سقي
لذكراه دمعي الخد وهو ذروف
14. And give life by that Living One a life whose fruits I have reaped,
And whose sides I have smoothed of locks.
١٤. وحيا بذاك الحي عيشاً جنيته
وقد ذللت من جانبيه قطوف
15. With the softness of limbs, crawl gently,
And enough for the eyelids' glance to crawl.
١٥. بناعمة الأطراف اهصر عطفها
وكفى لطرف النايبات طروف
16. The seasons equalize in it - either its summer
Spring or its rest autumn.
١٦. تعادل فيه الدهر اما مصيفه
ربيع واما قره فخريف
17. You remember it with night talks and the dawn
Noisy with the anklets' rings of the sand grouse.
١٧. تذكرينه بالأصائل والضحي
صدوح بأفنان الأراك هتوف
18. I and you cry over it for the estrangement,
And every stranger cries for the loyal love.
١٨. تنوح وأبكيها كلانا لغربة
وكل غريب للبكاء الوف
19. Maybe a time its twists will give me
Arrows of separation filled with sighing.
١٩. لعل زماناً فوقت لي صروفه
سهام فراقٍ ملن حفيف
20. It alleviates the burden of distance from me with longings -
So the difficulty of estrangement is easy.
٢٠. يخفف عبء البعد عني بأوبة
فعب النوي غب اللقاء خفيف
21. And it makes the far-off companion oppose,
And the closest of kin are gentle with you.
٢١. وآنس خلان الأباعد نافر
واقسي أولي القربى عليك عطوف
22. And from ignorance of the world, so inform me about it,
And news of its sons, if asked, is well-known.
٢٢. ومن جهل الدنيا فأني بعامها
وخبر بنيها ان سئلت عروف
23. If I left them like the youthful youthful of sight,
Then in trials they are feeble.
٢٣. لئن خلتهم مثل النضار نظارة
فأنهم بالأختبار زيوف
24. Their eloquence when advising is soft,
And sober of mind with you bleeding.
٢٤. فصيحهم عند النصيحة ألكن
واصحاهم عقلا لديك نزيف
25. So do not covet any tenderness from their hearts,
Is there anyone kind except the prince?
٢٥. فلا تطمعن في رأفة من قلوبهم
وهل امرؤ غير الأمير رؤف
26. He is the son of Ali son of Saif, brother of glory,
Abu Fadl, singer of favours, ally.
٢٦. هو ابن علي بن سيفا أخو العلا
أبو الفضل خدن المكرمات حليف
27. Generous to visitors of food in his courtyard,
Spring, and in winter a pleasant summer residence.
٢٧. كريم لروّاد الكلا في فنائه
ربيع وفي المشتا الجديب مصيف
28. Answering a suitor is sublime and excellent,
And I have not heard from him "maybe" and "hopefully".
٢٨. جواب مرجيه أجل ولحبذا
وما سمعت منه لعل وسوف
29. To the convoy of his hands when distant from the beloved
A twig for one hoping for his favour and light.
٢٩. لركب أياديه إذا بعد المدا
ذميل لراجي فضله وخفوف
30. So there is no spot of captives his generosity does not reach,
As if the world is an eye and its attainer a phantom.
٣٠. فما بقعة الأسرى جوده بها
كأن الدنا عين ونائله طيف
31. He varies abundant gifts for the healthy,
From which a precedent emulated and a model are taken.
٣١. ينوع للعافين جزل عطائه
فمنها تليد يحتذى وطريف
32. And no wonder that his hands bestow subtleties,
And their essence for favours is covered.
٣٢. ولا غرو ان اهدت يداه طرائفاً
وباطنها للمكرمات ظروف
33. Groups for the various parts of praise and glory,
And talents for what remains besides them diverse.
٣٣. جموع لأشتات الثناء والمها
وهوب لما ابقي سواه تلوف
34. A brother of resolves required by justice
Through which the friendly wolf is a lamb.
٣٤. أخو عزمات تقتضيها عدالة
بها صحب الذئب الضري خروف
35. He takes the place of a paralyzed one - ambitions stand in awe of him,
And he sits proudly while people stand in awe.
٣٥. يقوم بأمر مقعدٍ همم الوري
ويجلس عزاً والأنام وقوف
36. And a thousand individually fear him in tumult,
So how when the thousands mass in crowds?
٣٦. ويرهب منه الألف فرداً لدى الوغى
فكيف إذا غال الألوف الوف
37. And abundant, if the spittle were an echoing letter
In his mouth, I would not count his letters.
٣٧. وفور لو ان الطيس حرف مردد
بفيه لما عدت عليه حروف
38. He punishes during revenge with his pardon,
And some of the guards during punishment are severe.
٣٨. يعاقب عند الانتقام بعفوه
وبعض الوري عند العقاب عسوف
39. And he disdains to mention one who slanders in absence
If he is evil and the noble free man has a nose.
٣٩. ويأنف ذكرى من يسيء بغيبة
إذا ساء والحر الكريم انوف
40. O Master whom there is no veil in front of,
And no eclipse has descended upon Him!
٤٠. ألا أيها المولى الذي ليس دونه
حجاب ولم تسدل عليه سجوف
41. And from His generosity until whenever
The living thing is stingy and He provides.
٤١. ومن جوده حتى بكل تنوفة
ينوء بما ضن الحيا وينوف
42. Make distant necks bow with what the vile life resented,
And the blood of an enemy - and it does not return while weak.
٤٢. تهن بعيد النحر وانحر به العدا
ودم عائداً ما عاد وهو نحيف
43. And clouds of blessings do not cease to rain upon you,
Through which the lightning gives good news of sheets for you.
٤٣. ولا زلت تنثيها سحائب انعم
بها البرق من بشر عليك خطوف
44. Misfortunes avoid your field and clutch
Our wishes while you are chaste.
٤٤. تعاف المنايا ساحتيك وتعتفي
يديك أمانينا وأنت عفيف
45. And one seeking your glory falls short
Even if he travelled like the winds while angry.
٤٥. ويقصر عن ادراك شأوك طالب
ولو سار مسري الريح وهو عصوف
46. To restrain my enemies, suppress my envy,
And cut off necks for them and make them bow.
٤٦. لأردع اضدادي واقمع حسدي
وتجدع اعناق لهم وانوف
47. Support me by dissolving sorrows into the object of my desire -
The easy destination and the pilgrims rows.
٤٧. يمينا بمزجي اليعملات إلى منى
منى الخفيف ظهراً والحجيج صفوف
48. Sincerity has done me justice, my soul, and shown
Purity of purpose that has no adulteration.
٤٨. لقد انصفتك الود نفسي واظهرت
صفاء محياً ما عليه نصيف
49. And I am your lowly servant, and I
Am free of others, not wearing a necklace.
٤٩. واني لك العبد الدنى وانني
على الغير حر لا الام صلوف
50. My worries, if I reach glory, are from your generosity,
And caring about anything else is air and loaf.
٥٠. همومي من جدواك ان ابلغ العلا
وهم السوى جو دابة ورغيف
51. So are you pleased I hope for other than you
And wear a necklace while I am turning?
٥١. فهل ترتضي ارجو سواك وارتدي
قلاك واني للعنان صروف
52. And if the generosity of others were a cup for thirst,
It would not please me while I am gulping it.
٥٢. ولو كان جود الغير كأساً على ظما
لما راق لي اني لذاك رشوف
53. And everyone in every land has sufficient,
But an eye that does not see you is blind.
٥٣. وكل له في كل ارض كفاية
ولكن طرفاً لا يراك كفيف
54. And if my enemies burdened me with effort from you
Then every envier is covered with hatred.
٥٤. وان كلفت بالسعي عندك حسدي
فكل حسود بالكريم كلوف
55. So do not listen to what its narrators have fabricated,
For the lies of villains are diverse.
٥٥. فلا تسمعن ما صنفته رواتهم
فإن أكاذيب اللئام صنوف
56. And I have in you what the expression of which captivates the heart,
And the minds fall short, and it is subtle.
٥٦. ولي فيك ما يسطو على القلب لفظه
ويقتسر الألباب وهو لطيف
57. Mouth covers on mouths - magic, and in appearance
A beauty spot, and in the ear of the confounded - plugs.
٥٧. قواف على الأفواه سحر وفي الطلا
جمان وفي إذن المصيخ شنوف
58. You remained with the remaining of the two lights, and I do not blame
Elevations like them and setting.
٥٨. بقيت بقاء النيرين ولا اعترا
علاك كسوف مثلها وخسوف
59. So your virtue is a pearl and wishes are chooseers,
And your words a pearl and time assorters.
٥٩. ففضلك در والأماني نواهل
ولفظك دُر والزمان رصوف