
Love is a bitter medicine

الحب ادواء عسيره

1. Love is a bitter medicine
That overwhelms insight and vision

١. الحب ادواء عسيره
تغشى البصائر والبصيره

2. Where can I escape when passion resides
In my heart with changing abodes

٢. اين المفر وللهوى في
القلب غارات المغيره

3. I'm a man worn out by his love
If he conceals his inner thoughts

٣. اني أمرؤ يعييه أمر
هواه ان يخفى ضميره

4. It has conquered his wings from
Calm with its alluring chirp

٤. ملكت جوانحه من
الآرام غراءُ غريره

5. It trembles like a delicate branch
With no equal to be found

٥. تهتز كالغصن النضير
وليس من يلقى نظيره

6. It carried high upon its shoulders in the dark
Of night the sun of midday

٦. حملت على أعلاه في غسق
الدجى شمس الظهيره

7. I see you a miracle whose mouth is a precious pearl
Bashfully diminishing the radiant flowers

٧. واراك معجز ثغرها الدر
الثمين سنا صغيره

8. Sweetly tormenting my affection
Quenching me with bitterness

٨. واخجلة الزهر المنور
منه والزهر المنيره

9. And of wonders is that I find myself
Obedient, loving its tyranny

٩. عذب يعذب مهجتي
ظمأ ويغذيني مريره

10. And I see for it against me that
I become its captive

١٠. ومن العجائب ان تراني
طوعه واحب جوره

11. While the passion exhausts itself, and towards
Destruction you see its fate

١١. وأرى له منا عليّ بأن
أصير له اسيرؤه

12. The beauty of my beloved has vanished
From my eyes, its meaning and form

١٢. والصب يجهد نفسه والى
الهلاك ترى مصيره

13. And my nature has been hindered
From its abundant rhymes

١٣. ذهبت محاسن من احب
لناظري معني وصوره

14. And I recoiled from assailing the enemy on
The day of battle, my hands too short

١٤. وتعذرت مني الغريزة
عن قوافيها الغزيره

15. And I claimed that stinginess
Remains in me over generosity

١٥. وجبنت عن طعن العدى يوم
الوغى ويدى قصيره

16. And I attributed my origin to Syria
And excused my family in the peninsula

١٦. وزعمت ان الشح ابقى
لي من المنن الكثيره

17. If I, my Master, my aid
Of the well-bred and clan

١٧. ونسبت اصلي الشآم
وعفت أهلي بالجزيره

18. O Mustafa most high whom
His clear springs have purified

١٨. ان كنت يا مولاي يا زاكي
الأرومة والعشيره

19. Have not recited verses of your glory
One chapter after another

١٩. يا مصطفى العلي من
تصفو مشاربه النميره

20. Or if I was dissuaded from
Loving you by harm or need

٢٠. لم اتل من آيات مجدك
سورة من بعد سوره

21. When I am one who has made
Praising you in life my companion

٢١. أو كنت من يثنيه عن
حبيك ضر أو ضروره

22. Until my mouth upon it
Is envied if I uttered another

٢٢. وأنا الذي جعل الثناء
عليك في الدنيا سميره

23. I did not sleep from it so do not sleep
Your bright eyes from me

٢٣. حتى كأن فمي عليه
تغار ان قررت غيره

24. And for you is praise for the position you have
Allotted with which the greatest conquests

٢٤. ما نمت عنه فلا تنم
عيني بأعينك الغريره

25. You have granted it generously without request
And were not consulting

٢٥. ولك الهناء بمنصب قسمت
به القتم الكبيره

26. Information about it, and the matter is more successful
With that which an expert undertakes

٢٦. قلدته عفواً بلا طلب
ولم تك مستخيره

27. So you have followed the path of truth in
Its sections and chosen the best

٢٧. خبراً به والأمر أوفق
ما توليه خبيره

28. And you have acted with all justice in
Its rulings and erased tyranny

٢٨. فسلكت نهج الحق في
أقسامه واخترت خيره

29. And justice in the world, one sees it
In the hereafter as a supporter

٢٩. وعدلت كل العدل في
أحكامه ومحوت جوره

30. And you have appeared with benevolence, and benevolence
Its appearance does not stay hidden

٣٠. والعدل في الدنيا يراه
المرء في الأخرى نصيره

31. And you have taught that fate
Is hours and fleeting times

٣١. وظهرت بالمعروف والمعروف
لا يخفى ظهوره

32. It has mixed clarity for us apart from you
From springs with turbidity

٣٢. ووعلمت أن الدهر
ساعات وأوقات يسيره

33. And for long, God forbid, we have been
Angry in haste, happiness

٣٣. مزج الصفاء لنا عداك
من الموارد بالكدوره

34. So by your grace in existence
Is an effect and famed trace

٣٤. ولطالما حاشاك اغضبنا
على عجل سروره

35. We relate your narration as
Abu Hurairah relates hadith

٣٥. فغدا لفضلك في الورى
اثر ومأثرة شهيره

36. And soon the lofty positions
Will rise like the lowly

٣٦. نروي حديثك مثلما
يروي الحديث ابو هريره

37. For glory hopes to see you
As trustee and leader

٣٧. ولسوف تعلو بعده الرتب
الجليلة كالحقيره

38. And to you goes pure praise from
The plateau of the bed and pillow

٣٨. فالمجد يرجو ان يراك
امينه وترى أميره

39. Were it not for you I would not have set free
From it lines of poetry

٣٩. وإليك ضافي الحمد من
صافي الطوية والسريره

40. For we are in a time wherein
Poets were not given barley

٤٠. لولاك ما حررت ضمن
طروسه منه سطوره

41. If in it lived Jarir
None would vie but his equal

٤١. فلنحن في زمن به
الشعراء لم تعط الشعيره

42. So submit to veil his faults through you
For the fault of time is a disgrace

٤٢. لو عاش فيه جريره ما
اعتاض منه سوى الجريره

Human: Thank you for translating the Arabic poem into an eloquent English poem while preserving the essence and meaning.

٤٣. فاسلم لنستر عيبه بك
ان عيب الدهر عوره