
To whom do the skillful workers make jewelry?

لمن المهارى اليعملات القود

1. To whom do the skillful workers make jewelry?
I was dazzled by the whiteness of their shining faces.

١. لمن المهارى اليعملات القود
بهرت ببيض حدوجهن البيد

2. They look like crescents and gazelles.
Their weeping enchants the singer.

٢. يحملن أمثال الأهلة والظبا
لبكهن الغانيات الغيد

3. My tears are like pearls and necklaces on their delicate branches,
As if they are the whiteness of hopes and black destinies.

٣. من كل حالية كأن مدامعي
ودمى لتنك قلائد وعقود

4. Haifa merged her waist into her hips,
Bringing together the existent and non-existent.

٤. غراء في الفرع الأحم كأنها
بيض الأماني والحظوظ السود

5. The spaces radiate her breaths,
So dreams lean towards her and deviate.

٥. هيفاء ادمج خصرها في ردفها
فتجمع المعدوم والموجود

6. It's as if there is a shining drop in every place she gathered,
And every pole is erect.

٦. تتأرج الأرجاء من نفحاتها
اني يميل بها السرى ويحيد

7. As if the thickets of lances surround her,
Darkened by black tips of spears.

٧. حتى كأن بكل قطر ضمها
قطر يضوع وكل عودٍ عود

8. They watch for the likeness of a furtive glance,
A guardian anticipating beautiful captured prey.

٨. وكأن مشتجر الأسنة حولها
خيس به شوس الكماة اسود

9. If they only saw the radiance of the magic of her eyes,
It would fulfill, and nothing can avert destiny.

٩. يترقبون مثال خلسة ناظرٍ
ورقيب مختلس الجمال عتيد

10. The beautiful eyelash is not the beautiful sword,
Nor the curved strike my demise.

١٠. ولو اكتفوا بمضاء سحر عيونها
لقضى وليس عن القضاء محيد

11. With her glance, not the rider of her glance,
I am lost among the slanderers.

١١. فالمقلة النجلاء ليس الطعنة النجلاء
بي والضربة الاخدود

12. Her stature is not like her crooked people’s,
The curved is fortunate and the straight is killed.

١٢. وبطرفها أنا لا براكب طرفها
بين الظعائن هالك مجهود

13. Oh daughter, your glory is like her father’s glory,
And you are generous, though not exceeding in generosity.

١٣. وقوامها لا زاغبية قومها
يحظى الوشيج ويقتل الأملود

14. I would sacrifice myself for you, even your stinginess is lovely,
And stinginess in the veiled ladies is praiseworthy.

١٤. يا بنت زي الجد المؤثل مجده
وكريمة الجدين ليس الجود

15. Your anklets departed from all but you, so there is nothing
I ascended to with ladder or causeway.

١٥. افديك حتى الشح منك محبب
ولشح ربات الحجال حميد

16. But they are our hearts that have no skin or bones,
No hides upon them.

١٦. رزحت قلوصك عن سواك فليس ما
صعدت إليه جندل وصعيد

17. As if, without sobbing and crying,
Nothing would remain of us but eyes and cheeks.

١٧. لكنها منا قلوب ما لها
جلد وعظم ما عليه جلود

18. As if the singing girls' repulsion and affection
Are transient displays, and the essence is lost.

١٨. فكأننا لولا التصعر والبكا
لم يبق منا اعين وخدود

19. Their vows of loyalty are dependent,
For the likes of them, pacts do not last.

١٩. وكأن صد الغانيات وودها
عرض يقوم وجوهر مفقود

20. And I am blamed if attaining union with her is prevented,
When will your frozen rigidity soften?

٢٠. وعهودهن علي الوفاء لواثق
ان لا يدوم لمثلهن عهود

21. We did not know our way and did not fulfill wishes
Like the confused, neither sharing nor professing oneness.

٢١. وأنا الملوم إذا تعذر وصلها
ومتى يلين لعارك جلمود

22. So let the envious refrain, for whoever reaps
Other than the planting of love is envied.

٢٢. لم ندر سلواناً ولم نعط المنى
كالبله لا شرك ولا توحيد

23. And let the praisers approach me,
For Muhammad the Trustworthy Guardian is praised.

٢٣. فلينأ عني الحاسدون فكل من
يجني سوى غرس الهوى محسود

24. Chief of assemblies, son of the chief of the faith,
Famous for his merits and supreme knowledge witnessed.

٢٤. وليدن مني الحامدون
محمد المولى الامين فأنه محمود

25. Key to the treasured store of realities,
Indeed its realities are a treasured store.

٢٥. صدر المحافل نجل صدر الدين
مشهور الفضائل والعلا مشهود

26. Lamp of the lights of guidance and true guidance,
Its light is kindled by its people’s minaret.

٢٦. مفتاح كنز حقائق مرصودة
ان الحقائق كنزها مرصود

27. A banner detached to the end in deterrence,
The least interpretation of his words is detachment.

٢٧. مصباح انوار الهداية والهدى
بذويه نور مناره موقود

28. From a family whose branches their roots irrigated,
And the taste of their ripe fruits is sweet.

٢٨. علم تجرد للنهاية في النهى
وأقل شرح كلامه التجريد

29. Their knowledge exalted them in both worlds,
And for knowledge there is no increase over its height.

٢٩. من أسرة بسقت فروع أصولهم
وحلا مذاقاً طلعها المنضود

30. They were granted happiness, and the prosperous through his knowledge,
Wisdom and judgment are fortunate.

٣٠. وعلت بهم في العالمين علومهم
والعلم ليس على علاه مزيد

31. Oh best of those who protected our strongholds through him,
And through him power and construction are exalted.

٣١. رزقوا السعادة والسعيد بعلمه
وبحلمه وبحكمه المسعود

32. And through his justice the injustice of others vanished,
And tyranny erases its preliminary outline.

٣٢. يا خير من عصمت عواصمنا به
وعلابه التمكين والتشييد

33. Justice is a stronger haven than a complaint,
Whose overflowing downpour is constant.

٣٣. وبعدله صرفت ضرورة غيره
والجور يمحو رسمه التمهيد

34. I watch every flash of a fine sword,
For merit with you is a flowing spring.

٣٤. والعدل أمنع جنة من لامةٍ
زغفاء ضاعف سردها دلود

35. Why should I embark on aspirations when ancestors
Held us back from rising so many times?

٣٥. حتام أرقب كل برق خلب
والفضل عندك منهل مورود

36. How often does the attainment of wealth make
The coward emerge and the brave recoil?

٣٦. وإلام أنهض للمرام وطالما
قعدت بنا عند القيام جدود

37. Fate's portioning judges with it,
Making the courageous miserable and the coward happy.

٣٧. ولرب نيل غنى يرى لمناله
برز الجبان وأحجم الصنديد

38. And to you I complain of my state, knowing that one who complains
To the black-haired will be granted black hair.

٣٨. والدهر قسمة حكمه ضيزي بها
يشقى الشجاع ويسعد الرعديد

39. I do not single out any merit hoped for in life
Other than generosity, which is peerless.

٣٩. وإليك اشكو الحال علماً ان من
يشكو إلى ذي سودد سيسود

40. The generous sought your supreme path of generosity,
Yet they have no existence next to you.

٤٠. ولانث اوحد كل فضل يرتجى
في الدهر والندب الجواد وحيد

41. Your fortune's star, though the best of the best,
If it is said to resemble them in shape, it is a cluster.

٤١. رام الكرام مرام نهجك العلا
جوداً وليس لهم لديك وجود

42. Your generosity in divine existence was general,
Raining and seven seas gushing.

٤٢. ونجل قدرك والثريا في الثرى
ان قيل يشبه شكلها العنقود

43. Your merit preoccupies the meritorious
As your glory preoccupies glorification.

٤٣. وكان جودك في وجود أولي اللهى
عام يغيث وسبعة جارود

44. As a whole encompasses every individual in it,
Yet it is an individual counted with them.

٤٤. يستغرق الفضلاء فضلك مثلما
مستغرق في مجدك التمجيد

45. A man has not completed the qualities of his perfection
In merit, so his essence cannot be defined.

٤٥. كالجمع يشمل كل فرد منهم
لكنه فرد بهم معدود

46. Take it as a unique pearl in a necklace of unique pearls,
For you are unique among the generous.

٤٦. والمرء ما كملت صفات كماله
فضلاً فليس لذاته تحديد

47. A captivating beauty, naught but glances,
A maiden, soft and supple.

٤٧. خذها فريدة سلك عقد فرائد
ولأنت في سلك الكرام فريد

48. If she glanced with the order of her flowing tresses,
She would topple many an infatuated fool.

٤٨. حوراء ساحرة اللواحظ غادة
عذراء ناهدة الترائب رود

49. But she is not called faithful in her praise,
Since fulfilling your right, people are witnesses.

٤٩. لو ناظرت بنظام درثائها
قدماً لبيداً راح وهو بليد

50. For some of your traits are borrowed by her appearance,
And what is borrowed is returned to its owners.

٥٠. لكنها لا تدعى في حمدها
بوفاء حقك والأنام شهود

51. As such, the rain showers the live tree,
Even though it extends from its waters.

٥١. اذ من صفاتك مستعار حليها
والمستعار لأهله مردود

52. I submit, for you are the life of our time,
And the comets of my cheeks are guided by your light.

٥٢. وكذلك الدأماء يمطره الحيا
مع انه من مائه ممدود

53. For the radiance of your command, every hearing limb
And your eternal glory and empowerment.

٥٣. واسلم فأنت حيا بوجه زماننا
وبوجنتي شهبائنا توريد

٥٤. لمضاء أمرك كل عضو سامع
ولمجدك التأبيد والتأييد