
The lover's tears flow from his blood

منهل دمع المحب من دمه

1. The lover's tears flow from his blood
So be gentle with the one your heart loves

١. منهل دمع المحب من دمه
فارفق بمغرى الفؤاد مغرمه

2. I cried for him, and crying bears witness to
What melts of his flesh and bones

٢. ابكيته والبكاء شاهد ما
يذوب من لحمه واعظمه

3. As if he were sick abed
The meaning of a gentle companion roams in his mouth

٣. كأنه في الفراش من سقم
معنى رفيق يجول في فمه

4. O moon, the darkness has branched upon
A straight branch with its stars

٤. يا قمرا فرعه الظلام على
غصن نقا باسماً بأنجمه

5. What oppressor but you sees him
Who did not fear God in his oppression

٥. أي ظلوم سواك يبصره
لم يخف اللَه من تظلمه

6. And passion shows the pain of its outpouring
To love, for love, from its agony

٦. والصب يبدي اليم صبوته
للحب في الحب من تألمه

7. And the burning of the heart only
The beloved cools with his smile

٧. وحرقة القلب ليس يطفئها
الحبيب إلا يبرد مبسمه

8. So show mercy to him whose passion you have stolen
No good in a palm without its wrist

٨. فاعطف على من سلبت مهجته
لا خير في الكف دو معصمه

9. Though the burden of love weighs heavy
On my liver more than its concealment

٩. وان عبء الهوى على كبدي
اثقل في القلب من تكتمه

10. And time's day comes with no tomorrow
The maker of beauty like its destroyer

١٠. والدهر ما يومه بلا غده
وموجد الحسن مثل معدمه

11. May the nights cease their arrows
Against the passionate, slain by their arrows

١١. عل الليالي تكف اسهمها
عن ذي غرام قتيل اسهمه

12. I complain of love and disgrace in an age
Swifter to decline than its hoariness

١٢. اشكو الهوى والهوان من زمن
اسرع في الختل من تصرمه

13. An ignorant, sinful time
That singled out the virtuous for its blade

١٣. دهر غبي ابر فاجره
وخص ابراره بصيلمه

14. Bowing its head, lacking in
Pride over its mounts and banners

١٤. منكس هامه يقل على
سنامه من علا بمنسمه

15. And grants the sweetest from its streams
To those unworthy of its bitter drafts

١٥. ويمنح العذب من موارده
من حقه دون شرب علقمه

16. Though these kindnesses contain for those
Not equal to the wickedness of their taste

١٦. وهذه الطيبات فيه لمن
ليس يساوي خبيث مطعمه

17. The lowly may be granted in their lateness
What the eminent are denied in their advance

١٧. قد يرزق النذل في تأخره
ما يحرم الندب في تقدمه

18. You will never see the sword fresher
Than the bare blade in its sheath

١٨. ولن ترى الغمد في طلاوته
امضى من العضب مع تكهمه

19. So be patient always with the decrees of His wisdom
The patience of resolute souls in His grasp

١٩. فاصبر لأقدار حكمه ابدا
صبر قوي الجنان محكمه

20. For reaching the stars is closer to hands
Than attaining what He has forbidden

٢٠. فأن نيل النجوم اقرب للأيدي
منالاً من نقض مبرمه

21. The patience of the noble reveals in the end
Their merit and generosity

٢١. وان صبر الكرام يسفر في
اللأواء عنه وعن تكرمه

22. A parable the discerning should heed
To solve the obscure in knowledge

٢٢. مثل يراع اللبيب يوضح للأفهام
في العلم حل مبهمه

23. Lord of bounty, magnanimous
Ibrahim in his learning and his teacher

٢٣. رب الأيادي رحب الفضائل
إبراهيم في علمه ومعلمه

24. Al-Mawlawi whom worries
Gathering virtues and granting favors

٢٤. الملوي الذي يؤرقه
جمع المعالي وبذل أنعمه

25. May you succeed in gaining an honored place
Seeker of his dinar and dirham

٢٥. انجح منه في نيل مكرمة
طالب ديناره ودرهمه

26. He assumed glory loftily
For glory is no stair without climbing

٢٦. تسنم المجد في ذراه
وما المجد بسام بلا تسنمه

27. He ascends the heights highly
When others ascend by its steps

٢٧. يرقى المعالي على الرؤوس علاً
إذا سواه رقى بسلمه

28. O sanctuary of the devout visited
By our hopes pouring to Zamzam

٢٨. يا حرم المعتفين طاف به
رجاؤنا وارداً لزمزمه

29. How quickly time changes
And man grows darker in his tyranny

٢٩. ما اسرع الدهر في تقلبه
واظلم العبد في تحكمه

30. To God I complain of evil men
Like embers in their inflammation

٣٠. أنا إلى اللَه من سواسية
في الشر كالجمر في تضرمه

31. Their words weaken our hearing
As a burden weakens the leg

٣١. يوهن اسماعنا خطابهم
ما يوهن الساق ثقل ادهمه

32. And man is the same in His commands
Whether his tongue or the mute's

٣٢. والعبد سيان في أوامره
لسانه أو لسان أرقمه

33. How rude is one whose party we join
Our eloquent servant to the foreigner

٣٣. أفٍ على منزل به نفر
فصيحنا خادم لأعجمه

34. Who enters lost so we are equal in manners
Would that my pigeon knew before the guest

٣٤. يقدم تيها فنستوي ادبا
ليت حمامي قبيل مقدمه

35. And harbors malice in his conscience
While showing good cheer in his smile

٣٥. ويضمر الحقد في ضمائره
ويظهر الود من تبسمه

36. No word of a youth escapes you
When his eyes expose his thoughts

٣٦. وليس يخفي عليك لفظ فتى
تفصح عيناه عن تجمجمه

37. Though the perceptive in his vision
Are more truthful than the astrologer's scrolls

٣٧. وان ذا اللب في تصوره
اصدق في القول من منجمه

38. A glance shows you the heart of the suspicious
And you know fraud by his speech

٣٨. يريك قلب المريب ناظره
وتعرف الغمر من تكلمه

39. You would not gratify the age's parrots
Even if you excelled Ibn Adham in asceticism

٣٩. ولست ترضى نوكى الزمان
ولو فضلت في الزهد ابن ادهمه

40. And all who are evil in nature
Suppose ill of you in their fancy

٤٠. وكل من ساء في طبائعه
ظن بك السوء من توهمه

41. Alas! The anguish which I have swallowed
That rends my heart like a slap to the mouth

٤١. اواه من غصة اجرعها
تسفع قلبي كسفع ميسمه

42. It does not deprive the eloquent speaker but me
In life unless to silence the mute

٤٢. لا يحرم الناطق البليغ منى
في الدهر إلا بقصد ابكمه

43. The narrow worldly lot of the noble
Is easier for the wicked than its width

٤٣. وضيق عيش الكرام أيسره
عند لئام الورى كأعظمه

44. It is the way of time I do not deny
What it has made its habit and custom

٤٤. وعادة الدهر لست أنكرها
من عاده في الورى وجرهمه

45. That the noblest should be tried
Unjustly while their lovers blamed

٤٥. ان يبتلى باللئيم اكرمه
ظلما وعشاقه بلومه

46. So I fled them all to you
Like a dove fleeing its jealous mates

٤٦. فررت منهم إليك قاطبة
فرار من غنمه كمغرمة

47. May my years repent while regretting profits a man nought
And I resigned myself beyond hope in them

٤٧. اقرع سنى ندامة ومتى
ينتفع المرء من تندمه

48. That my hope intercedes for their forbidden
While time plots without a plot

٤٨. واصحب اليأس عنهم طمعا
ان رجائي شفيع محرمه

49. Its turns make the brave one fall
Though often the rash one's limit is unclear

٤٩. والدهر فيما يروم منجده
من غير جد له كمتهمه

50. And the foolish in their ignorance of consequences
Fulfill without anger or zeal

٥٠. تثني مقاديره الشجاع لقاً
وطالما فل حد مخذمه

51. So I entrusted myself to a time that protected me
And lived through your heights a protected life

٥١. والغمر مع جهله مآربه
تقضى بلا عضبه ولهذمه

52. Console me with the sight of you for what has pained me
Only a salve can heal the wound

٥٢. فأسلم بدهر عصمت منه به
وعش بعلياك عمر اعصمه

53. Those I built up, though they brought me misery
Have no state but to seek your favors

٥٣. نأسو برؤياك ما اساء بنا
لا يصلح القرح غير مرهمه

54. For the virtue of this age is atonement
For the sins of criminals

٥٤. وما بنوه وان شقيت بهم
حالاً سوى طالبي تنعمه

٥٥. فأن هذا الزمان محسنه
كفارة عن ذنوب مجرمه