
With a face whose beauty beamed like a lamp

من بسنا وجهه دهانا

1. With a face whose beauty beamed like a lamp
Every dear one to him became endeared

١. من بسنا وجهه دهانا
كل عزيز لديه هانا

2. A fresh branch whose foliage was darkness
Bore atop it a shimmering green

٢. غصن نقا فرعه ظلام
يحمل أعلاه زبرقانا

3. Never have I seen a gazelle
With glances of magic so alluring

٣. لم أر من قبل غزالاً
بسحر ألحاظه غزانا

4. Smiling from behind veils of bashfulness
I see you, my precious, generously displayed

٤. مبتسما عن جمام ثغر
أراك ياقوته جمانا

5. As if his stature were a canal
Flowing at every glance with pleasure

٥. كأنما قده قناة
تقل من لحظه سنانا

6. He apologized for my accusations
When he saw them humiliating me

٦. أجاب عن ذلتي اعتذارا
حيث رآني به مهانا

7. No lover increased in love for us
Unless passion made him downcast

٧. ما ازداد حباً لنا محب
إلا أراه الهوى هوانا