1. When will you two undress me and see
That I suffer love-sickness, O youths!
١. متى تكشفا عنّي القميصَ تَبَيَّنا
بِيَ الضُّرَّ من عَفْراء يا فَتَيانِ
2. And find little flesh with prominent ribs,
And a heart ever fluttering.
٢. وَتَعْتَرِفا لَحْماً قليلاً وأَعْظُماً
دِقاقاً وَقَلْباً دائمَ الخَفَقانِ
3. On my liver is a wound of love for 'Ufraya,
And my eyes from passion for her are sleepless.
٣. على كَبدي من حُبِّ عفراءَ قَرْحةٌ
وعينايَ من وَجْدٍ بها تَكِفانِ
4. 'Ufraya is the most beloved of people to me,
While 'Ufraya turns away from me, slowly.
٤. فَعَفْراءُ أَرْجي النّاسِ عندي مَوَدَّةً
وعفراءُ عَنّي المُعْرِضُ المُتَوَاني
5. I love the daughter of Udhra, though she acts
Wrongly, and I am blamed for loving her.
٥. أُحِبُّ ابْنَةَ العُذْرِيِّ حُبّاً وإِنْ نَأَتْ
ودانَيْتُ فيها غيرَ ما مُتَدانِ
6. When my heart wanted to shun her, two
Pleading intercessors in my heart disputed him.
٦. إِذا رامَ قلبي هَجْرَها حالَ دونَهُ
شَفيعانِ من قَلْبي لها جَدِلانِ
7. When I said "No," they said "Yes," and when morning came,
They both agreed on the view they espied.
٧. إِذا قلتُ لا قالا بلى ثمّ أَصْبَحا
جميعاً على الرَّأْيِ الذي يَرَيانِ
8. So, O Lord, You are the one I ask for aid
Against what I have borne from 'Ufraya for so long.
٨. فيا رَبِّ أنتَ المُسْتَعانُ على الذي
تَحَمَّلْتُ من عفراءَ منذ زَمانِ
9. Would that every two souls among mankind
And beasts who share a passion meet!
٩. فيا لَيْتَ كلَّ اثنينِ بينهما هوى
مِنَ النّاس والأَنْعامِ يَلْتَقِيانِ
10. So a lover attains union with the beloved
And my Lord shepherd them so they see no wrong.
١٠. فَيَقْضي مُحِبٌّ من حبيبٍ لُبانةً
ويَرْعاهما رَبّي فلا يُرَيانِ
11. Before me is a passion whose meeting grants no sleep,
And behind me a passion that has consoled and delighted me.
١١. أَمامي هوىً لا نومَ دونَ لِقائِهِ
وخَلْفي هوىً قد شفّني وبرَاني
12. Who will be for one who has not turned away? For I and my she-camel
Are heading to the tribe of Banu Himyar.
١٢. فَمَنْ يَكُ لم يغرضْ فإِنّي وناقتي
بِحَجْرٍ إلى أهلِ الحِمى غَرَضانِ
13. She yearns and shows her youthful vigour
While I conceal what, were it not for sadness, would finish me.
١٣. تَحِنُّ فتُبْدي ما بها مِنْ صَبابَةٍ
وأُخْفي الذي لولا الأَسى لَقَضاني
14. My she-camel's passion is behind me, and my passion before me,
And she and I are going in different directions.
١٤. هوى ناقتي خَلْفي وقُدّامي الهوى
وإِنِّي وإِيّاها لَمُخْتَلِفانِ
15. My passion is Iraqi, while if she inclines
Her bridle it is towards lightning flashing from Yemen.
١٥. هوايَ عراقيٌّ وتَثْني زِمامَها
لِبَرْقٍ إذا لاحَ النجومُ يَمانِ
16. My passion is ahead of me, not veering behind,
While my heart's desire at dawn is towards Yemen.
١٦. هوايَ أمامي ليس خلفي مُعَرِّجٌ
وشَوْقُ قَلوصي في الغُدُوِّ يَمانِ