
Oh, how I wish my uncle on the day he parted us

فيا ليت عمي يوم فرق بيننا

1. Oh, how I wish my uncle on the day he parted us
Was made to drink poison mixed with the wine of Yemen.

١. فَيا ليتَ عَمِّي يومَ فرَّقَ بيننا
سُقيْ السُّمَّ ممزوجاً بِشَبِّ يَمانِ

2. My uncle's plotting came between me and her
And he fretted at the pain of our separation.

٢. بُنَيَّةُ عَمِّي حيلَ بيني وبينَها
وضَجَّ لِوَشْكِ الفُرْقَةِ الصُّرَدانِ

3. Oh, how I wish we both had died together and that
When we died, we were in one gravecloth enshrouded.

٣. فَيا ليتَ مَحْيانا جميعاً ولَيْتَنا
إِذا نحنُ مُتْنا ضَمَّنا كَفَنانِ

4. Oh, how I wish through time without misfortune
We two were camels grazing the barren land in friendship,

٤. ويا ليتَ أَنّا الدَّهْرَ في غيرِ ريبَةٍ
بَعيرانِ نَرْعى القفْرَ مُؤْتَلِفانِ

5. While the herdsmen drive us from each water-spring,
Crying, "Be off, O mangy and scabby pair!"

٥. يُطَرِّدُنا الرُّعيانُ عنْ كُلِّ مَنْهَلٍ
يقولونَ بَكْرا عُرَّةٍ جَرِبانِ

6. When we are fearful they will part us,
The turns of time bring us again together.

٦. إِذا نحنُ خِفْنا أَنْ يُفَرِّقَ بَيْنَنا
رَدى الدَّهْرِ دانى بَيْنَنا قَرْنانِ

7. By God, I spoke your secret to no friend,
No brother to me, nor has my mouth betrayed it,

٧. فَوَاللهِ ما حَدَّثْتُ سِرَّكِ صاحباً
أَخاً لي ولا فاهَتْ به الشَّفَتانِ

8. Save only that I said one day to my companion
When dawn had come and our camel-litter rocked us,

٨. سِوى أَنَّني قد قُلْتُ يوماً لِصاحِبي
ضُحىً وقَلوصانا بنا تَخِدانِ

9. "In the early morning, as the zephyrs touched us
With breezes weak, how they made our curtains flutter!"

٩. ضُحَيّاً وَمَسَّتْنا جَنوبٌ ضَعيفةٌ
نَسيمٌ لِرَيّاها بِنا خَفِقانِ

10. I bore the gasps of early dawn and so could stand them,
But not the rattling wheezes of the night have I withstood.

١٠. تَحَمَّلْتُ زَفْراتِ الضُّحى فَأَطْقْتُها
وما لي بِزَفْراتِ العَشِيِّ يَدانِ

11. Oh uncle, since you were not made to drink by one
Related, for you the feet have slipped.

١١. فيا عَمِّ لا أُسْقِيتَ من ذي قَرابَةٍ
بِلالاً فقد زَلَّتْ بكَ القَدَمانِ

12. Yet you - though it did not profit you - parted us,
While we together, our clan is all allied.

١٢. فأَنت ولم يَنْفَعْكَ فَرَّقْتَ بَيْنَنا
ونحنُ جَميعٌ شَعْبُنا مُتَدانِ

13. You made me hope for Afara till I longed for her,
And what you made me hope for was the talk of every camp.

١٣. ومَنَّيْتَني عَفْراءَ حتى رَجَوْتُها
وشاعَ الذي مَنَّيْتَ كُلَّ مكانِ

14. A pampered woman, untouched by youth,
Whose breasts had never suckled babes before my own;

١٤. مُنَعَّمَةٌ لم يأْتِ بين شَبابِها
ولا عَهْدِها بالثَّدْيِ غيرُ ثَمانِ

15. You'd see two calves, sixty-six fully grown,
Terrified of her legs that they would break them.

١٥. ترى بُرَتَيْ سِتَّ وستّين وافياً
تَهابانِ ساقَيْها فَتَنْفَصِمانِ

16. By God, were it not for love of Afara, never would
I have met you under the arches of your noble house.

١٦. فَوَاللهِ لولا حُبُّ عفراءَ ما التقى
عَلَيَّ رواقا بيتِكِ الخَلِقانِ