1. Ghosts of past ruins, no good in them,
When the winds blow, they quiver and shake,
١. خُلَيْقانِ هَلْهالانِ لا خَيْرَ فيهما
إِذا هَبَّتِ الأَرواحُ يَصْطَفِقانِ
2. Corridors where the winds howl over their particles,
And at night the vipers slither through them,
٢. رِواقانِ تَهْوي الرِّيحُ فوق ذَراهما
وباللّيلِ يسري فيهما الْيَرَقانِ
3. Nor did I follow the gazelles at dawn’s blossom,
My journey was on the cheeks of the beauties,
٣. ولم أَتْبَعِ الأَظْعانَ في رَوْنَقِ الضُّحى
ورَحْلي على نهّاضةِ الخَدَيانِ
4. No graceful doe crossed my mind,
Nor what my eyes engraved on the sand dunes,
٤. ولا خَطَرَتْ عَنْسٌ بِأَغْبَرَ نازِحٍ
ولا ما نَحَتْ عينايَ في الهَمَلانِ
5. As if they were remnants of worn out tents,
At times sealed, at others bursting open,
٥. كَأَنَهما هَزْمانِ من مُسْتَشِنَّةٍ
يُسَدّانِ أَحْياناً ويَنْفَجِرانِ
6. I see my two early birds changed,
To me, so I have no substitute for them,
٦. أَرى طائِرَيَّ الأَوَّلَيْنِ تَبَدَّلا
إِليَّ فما لي منهما بَدَلانِ
7. They counted me from below barefoot,
While from above, they were two guides,
٧. أَحَصّانِ من نَحْوِ الأَسافِلِ جُرّدا
أَلِفّانِ مِنْ أَعلاهما هَدِيانِ
8. To a blond, as time and people are fickle,
And as we orbited in childhood blissfully,
٨. لِعَفْراءَ إِذْ في الدّهْرِ والنّاسِ غَرَّةٌ
وإِذْ حُلُقانا بالصِّبا يَسَرانِ
9. So I may approach the white fluttering of the courtyard,
Of evil intention, hostility and malice,
٩. لأَدْنُوَ مِنْ بيضاءَ خفّاقَةِ الحشا
بُنَيَّةِ ذي قاذورةٍ شَنآنِ
10. As if her cheeks when she dons the veil,
And stands with the composure of a gentle mare,
١٠. كَأَنَّ وِشاحَيْها إِذا ما ارْتَدَتْهما
وقامتْ عِنانا مُهرَةٍ سَلِسانِ
11. Bite bodies that meet them,
And their flexing is of swaying branches,
١١. يَعَضُّ بِأَبْدانٍ لها مُلْتَقاهما
ومَثْناهُما رِخْوانِ يَضْطَرِبانِ
12. Under them two dimples, stricken,
By a line of beauty marks, overflowing,
١٢. وتَحْتَهما حِقْفانِ قد ضَرَبَتْهما
قِطارٌ مِنَ الجوزاءِ مُلْتَبِدانِ
13. Blondie, how many sighs you have let me taste,
And sorrows that squeezed the eyes with sadness,
١٣. أَعَفْراءُ كم مِنْ زَفْرَةِ قد أَذَقْتِني
وحزْنٍ أَلَجَّ العيْنَ بالهَمَلانِ
14. If my lovesick eyes shed blood instead of tears,
They would shed blood copiously, pouring out,
١٤. فَلَوْ أَنَّ عَيْنَيْ ذي هوىً فاضَتا دَماً
لَفاضَتْ دَماً عينايَ تَبْتَدِرانِ
15. So, my two companions, if you fear her loss,
Cry out to me, when calling out longingly,
١٥. فَهَلْ حادِيا عفراءَ إِنْ خِفْتَ فَوْتَها
عَليَّ إِذا نادَيْتُ مُرعَوِيانِ
16. alternate rhythms for the wandering gaze, when it languishes,
Vigilant of our hatred, cautious.
١٦. ضَروبانِ للتّالي القطوفِ إذا وَنى
مُشيحانِ من بَغْضائِنا حَذِرانِ