1. The Prophet's zeal was guarded by the sword unsheathed
Until when they were routed, zeal for the faith took wing,
١. حَمى نَبِيَّ الهُدى بِالسَيفِ مُنصَلِتاً
حَتّى إِذا اِنكَشَفوا حامَى عَنِ الدينِ
2. Patience instead of thrusting when our band retreated,
And men amid the blinkered and the bilked.
٢. صَبراً عَنِ الطَعنِ إِذ وَلَّت جَماعَتُنا
وَالناسُ مِن بَينِ مَحرومٍ وَمَغبونِ
3. O Talha ibn Ubayd Allah, owed you now
Are Heaven's gardens and the dark-eyed houris' bed.
٣. يا طَلحَةَ بنَ عُبَيدِ اللَهِ قَد وَجَبَت
لَكَ الجِنانُ وَتَزويجُ الدُمى العينِ