
I was inspired when God took His servant

جبت لما أسرى الإله بعبده

1. I was inspired when God took His servant
On a night journey from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque

١. جِبتُ لِما أَسرى الإِلهُ بِعَبدِهِ
مِنَ البَيتِ لَيلاً نَحوَ بَيتٍ مُقَدَّسِ

2. On both his trajectories was goodness
Going and returning without any difficulty

٢. كِلا طَلَقَيهِ كانَ مَنَّ بِبَعضِها
ذَهاباً وَإِقبالاً وَما مِن مُعَرَّسِ

3. So I believed, with strong faith in my Lord
Books from Him became clear to us without any doubt

٣. فَآمَنتُ إيماناً بِرَبّي وَبَيَّنَت
لَنا كُتُبٌ مِن عِندِهِ لَم تُلَبَّسِ

4. Containing in them healing, mercy
And advice for the curious imposter

٤. مُبَيِّنَةٌ فيها شِفاءٌ وَرَحمَةٌ
وَمَوعِظَةٌ لِلسّائِلِ المُتَجَسِّسِ

5. We see revelation in them, clear and marked
From revelation that erases all obscured matters

٥. نَرى الوَحيَ فيها مُستَبيناً وَخُطَّةً
مِنَ الوَحيِ تَمحو كُلَّ أَمرٍ مُعَمَّسِ

6. A God, great in might, revealed His book
To Mustafa, of high moral standing, never tainted

٦. إِلهٌ عَظيمُ القَدرِ أَوحى كِتابَهُ
إِلى مُصطَفى ذي عِفَّةٍ لَم يُدَنَّسِ

7. Noble in endeavor, from the lineage of Hashim
Well-established in it among protects and marshes

٧. كَريمِ المَساعي مِن ذُؤابَةِ هاشِمٍ
تَمَكَّنَ مِنها في نَواصٍ وَمَعطِسِ

8. When genealogies are counted or measured by standard
His roots are from Hashim, the best roots

٨. إِذا عُدَّتِ الأَنسابُ أَو قِسنَ بِالحَصا
فَمَغرِسُهُ مِن هاشِمٍ خَيرُ مَغرِسِ

9. So do not threaten him, and accept what has come to you
Through his message whenever studied and pondered

٩. فَلا توعِدوهُ وَاِقبَلوا ما أَتاكُمُ
بِهِ مِن رِسالاتٍ مَتى توحَ تُدرَسِ

10. Else I fear you will be tormented
And your sights will be struck, then blinded

١٠. وَإِلّا فَإِنّي خائِفٌ أَن يُعَذَّبوا
وَيُضرَب عَلى أَبصارِهِم ثُمَّ تُطمَسِ

11. And you will face what many past generations faced
From perishing thunderbolts and ill omens

١١. وَتَلقَوا كَما لاقَت قُرونٌ كَثيرَةٌ
مَضَت قَبلَكُم مِن صاعِقاتٍ وَأَنحُسِ