
The son of Nahya, his head weighs heavy upon me,

ابن نهيا رأس علي ثقيل

1. The son of Nahya, his head weighs heavy upon me,
Bearing two heads is an immense trial.

١. اِبنَ نِهيا رَأسٌ عَلَيَّ ثَقيلُ
وَاِحتِمالُ الرَأسَينِ خَطبٌ جَليلُ

2. Summon another to worship the dual gods,
For I am occupied with the One.

٢. اِدعُ غَيري إِلى عِبادَةِ الاِثنَي
نِ فَإِنّي بِواحِدٍ مَشغولُ

3. O son of Nahya, openly I disavow you before God,
Though it be but little of me.

٣. يا اِبنَ نِهيا بَرِئتُ مِنكَ إِلى اللَ
هِ جِهاراً وَذاكَ مِنّي قَليلُ